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'localhost' doesn't work? what else can I do?

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    'localhost' doesn't work? what else can I do?

    Hi all,
    recently changed hosts to oneandone.
    Before the change I had to set the smtp server to 'localhost' so that emails were sent both from the website and catalog program.
    This setting no nonger works and no emails are being sent.
    Freeserve (my isp) will not authenicate oneandone's smtp server and freeserves server only works when I'm logged on, and therefore will not work when people place orders.
    My question is (finally), has anyone got a similar setup to mine,
    Freeserve as ISP
    oneandone as host
    catalog version6

    What settings do you use for the smtp server in order for it to work.
    oneandone can also use sendmail but when I tried this with my last host, I couldn't send email via the program. (havent tried it lately mind you.

    Any help apreciated


    Managed to get it sorted

    After loads of messing around and reading old posts I went for it and used Normans patch to allow actinic to use sendmail instead of smtp.
    I had to use the tip at the bottom of the patch as the email was in one long line to start with.

    I was very pleased and I must say surprised to find that not only were emails being sent went I placed test orders but also I could send them from actinic sotware itself.
    I wasn't expecting to be able to do that so what a result.

    Thanks Norman



      Glad it worked Simon.

      I actually made those patches so I could test sites with a Oneandone cheapo account so they should do the trick. It is a bit wierd that some of their systems send the e-mail as a single line and others don't.

      Yes they allow all the e-mail routines to work as the patch affects the routine that is used for all e-mails.

      Don't forget that you'll need to re-do this patch if you update Actinic (to 6.1.3 for example) as the Actinic update procedure replaces patched perl scriptes with original ones.

      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Thanks Norman,
        I've put aside a copy of your patch so that it is available if I need to re-patch (when updating to 6.1.3 etc).

        Just for your general info, but you probably will know this anyway.
        I am using oneandone and their 'business' hosting package.
        I suspect then that your patch will work across the board with oneandones accounts.

        I must say thanks again as I am so pleased that your patch has made emails available through both my actinic site and software again. It would have been a nightmare without it.

        Slightly off topic I suppose but I will put the question in the neccesary forum when I find it:
        I am still using catalog 6.1.2 I havent bothered downloading the latest update for several reasons:[list=1][*]I beleive it's another pretty large file and I have a slow connection[*]Its not long come out of Beta and there seems to be a few teething problems.[*]I've just got my site working pretty much as I wanted and didn't want to mess things up until I was sure the upgrade was up to the job.[/list=1]
        My next question will be: Is the update worth the risk?
        Any insight welcome.
        (wife will kill me if I mess it up now and need to spend more days and nights at the PC sorting it out again)

        All the best



          My next question will be: Is the update worth the risk?
          The update fixes a few known problems with the software, but does not include any significant functionality. Some of the key issues fixed in 6.1.3 are listed HERE and a complete list is available in the release notes.

          The other point worth noting is that there were hardly any template changes between 6.1.2 and 6.1.3. This means the SiteUpgrader will leave almost all of your templates well alone. A list of the template changes are available on the link above.


            That's good news Chris.
            One thing I like the sound of is the fact that Paypal payments are marked correctly.

            I think I may well go for it.
            Any idea how big the download is? If it is very large like the previous one (40mb or so!) is there a chance of a CD?

            Thanks for you help



              As you are going from 6.1.2 to 6.1.3 then you will be able to use the patch upgrade, which will be a lot smaller than 40 MB.

              If you would like to have a CD sent out, then please contact our Sales team on 0845 129 4800 to arrange it.

