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HELP! Setting up stock levels?

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    HELP! Setting up stock levels?

    I am selling jeans... I have one pair with the possible sizes to choose from underneath it in a drop down box for the customer to select. Is it possible to have a stock level for each of these different sizes as I can't seem to figure it out. I really do not want to put in each different size as a different product.

    Any help is much appreciated


    Actinic Stock control sucks for situations like yours!! (and mine)

    The official answer is that the only way you can have stock control on components is to also set them up as hidden products.

    I still feel this is a situation that needs to be rectified, along with being able to apply different weights to components.

    for shop keepers with clothing stores (for example) with multiple colours and sizes, setting up hidden products in unrealistic -the products run into the 1000's.


      So I will need to add extra products but without pictures, info etc and just call them size 28", size 30" etc?


        Yes - but then you hide them by ticking the 'Hide on Web Site' box in the 'General' tab.

        Then you create a componenent within your main product called something like 'Selection' and then you put your size attributes and choices within that component.

        Then go into the component and switch to the Permutations tab. Click 'Fill List' to list all your size choices and then use the Product column to associate each choice with the appropriate hidden product.


          Seems very complicated just to be able to have stock levels for certain sizes.

