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CGI-BIN Directory and Web Root Directory

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    CGI-BIN Directory and Web Root Directory

    Hi there,

    I cannot pass this stage when uploading actinic to my website. I follow the instruction but keep getting error messages. Any ideas of what directories i need to copy or right in CGI-BIN Directory and Web Root Directory?

    Many thanks

    If you actually read my instructions posted on your other post, it will tell you what you need to provide in order for us to help you. It's almost impossible to help you if you will not help us.

    I'll copy the post below for you to have another read:

    There is a specific forum for upload problems, called "upload problems". Have a search in there for your host's name and see if anyone has provided the settings you need already. Many of the common hosts are now listed in there and even if they are not, many of the settings posted in there will get you very close to what you need.

    If you have no joy searching or solving it, let us know who your host is and show us the settings you currently have in place, so that we can illustrate where you are going wrong. Your host does of course also need to be actinic compatible, which some are not.

    I hope you have not bought a previously licensed and used copy of actinic. We are now on V8 currently and V6 is probably 3-4 years behind the times.


      Hi yeah, i moved into this forum upload problems. I cannot see any posting relating to my host name (4sure hosting) (or any other hosting actually)which is Actinic compatible or at least so they say. I beleave they are. I hope i am in the right place

      I bought a v6 not v8 from a friend that never used it and installed it without problems in my laptop. Every thing went fine so far. Hope nothing goes wrong now.

      Many thanks for your help.


        Well 4sure hosting definitely works with actinic, there are quite few people using it and it has been discussed on this forum previously.

        Third time lucky though, to help you, we will still need this part, which i've mentioned a couple of times:

        "Show us the settings you currently have in place."


          well leehack, that is where i am bit lost u c...i dont know where to get these settings from honestly. I will be greatful with any clues. Thanks


            If you go to the 4sure website where you bought your hosting you will see how to setup actinic


              To upload actinic to your webspace, you will need to give it the webspace settings provided by 4sure. If you have not put anything into actinic, then it will not work as how could it know where to put your site?

              If you have filled in the settings, then it is these we need to see. They are in the network setup menu within actinic.

              In summary, if you have not put any settings in actinic, it will never work as these are required for every site. If you have put some settings in, but they are not working, then it is those settings we need to see. You should be able to export your settings to a notepad file and then paste the contents into here (remove passwords.)

              Either that or provide us with a screenshot of the settings, as we will always need to see what you have to be able to help you.


                Many thanks to RuralWeb and lehack, Iam trying both help and will inform you once i get somewhere. Many thanks


                  Hi Rural Web and leehack,

                  here are my setting and when i try to import these in the network setup still does not work.

                  HTTPPROXYMODE 0
                  HTTPPROXYPORT 80
                  FTPPROXYMODE 0
                  FTPPROXYPORT 21
                  SCRIPTID 1
                  SCRIPTEXT .pl
                  SMTPHOST localhost
                  IGNOREPASSIVEERRORS true
                  USERELATIVECGIURLS false
                  PATHTOPERL /usr/bin/perl
                  PATHFROMCGITOCATALOG /documents/acatalog/
                  CODEBASE ./
                  FTPUSERNAME *******
                  FTPPASSWORD **********
                  PATHTOCGIBIN /documents/cgi-bin/
                  USEPASSIVEFTP false
                  FTPPATHFROMCGITOCATALOG /documents/acatalog/


                    They seem to match those on the website - I suggest you give them a call on Tuesday - after all you are paying them to help you!


                      According to the 4sure info you should have this:
                      PATHFROMCGITOCATALOG ../acatalog/
                      instead of:
                      PATHFROMCGITOCATALOG /documents/acatalog/


                      Give this change a go.

