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Is anybody using Webstrike (or to host their store?

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    Is anybody using Webstrike (or to host their store?

    Hi -

    I was just wondering if anybody out there is using Webstrike ( to host their Actinic store?

    If so, are you making use of the shared SSL service that Webstrike offers to secure your Checkout pages and/or customer Login?

    Reason for asking:-

    Brand new Catalog v8 store at (just the Actinic sample store at the moment).

    Using PayPal Website Payments Pro as the online payment processor.

    Question: How do I make use of the Webstrike shared SSL service in order to make my Checkout pages and Login secure? Webstrike tell me that every page on the website can be reached either by using or This appears true.

    Do I make use of this shared SSL service by selecting under Settings | Business Settings | Payment and Security' - highlight 'Credit card details captured for later processing' - click the 'Configure' button and in the screen that opens select 'Shared SSL'
    -- OR --
    Do I ignore this, and check the 'SSL' option at the bottom of the 'Business Settings | Payment and Security' screen, and then on the 'Configure SSL Settings' button, which adds the 'SSL' tab to my 'Network Settings', and then enter my https path into the relevant fields there?

    Currently have the site set up the first way, but Checkout only results in an ERROR '404' page, with the address in the browser being which is very odd, because when I FTP to the site, and look in the cgi-bin, I cannot see any '' script in there.

    How have you got things set up to make the shared SSL work? Any help on this would be mightily appreciated!

    PPP will only work if you have your own SSL cert or use Actinics shared SSL. See recent threads mentioning this as well as the sticky in the top of the v8 forum.


      That's strange - Actinic Technical Support have told me in an email yesterday to my support ticket I raised with them -:

      " ... the 'Actinic Shared SSL' service is a proprietary service designed to replace the 'Actinic In-built encryption' method for vendors whose customers do not allow Java.

      Using the 'Actinic Shared SSL' service the customer is transferred from your site to one of Actinic's secure servers, where the customer will enter their card details. This is then encrypted and passed back to your server, for you to download with the order and pass through your normal epos terminal."

      So that's what TS have told me the 'Actinic Shared SSL' service is for, not for putting PayPal WPP onto a padlocked page. So they have told me 'Actinic Shared SSL' is not relevant for my needs. When I say 'Actinic Shared SSL' service, i am talking about the service they porovide that you £100 a year for - is that what you're talking about as well?


        having 2 threads and asking the same question will not yield different replies

        already answered there


          Sorry - I was just trying to get into the right forum!

          looks like I might need to come over to Pinbrook hosting!

