Gabe - the live database will not allow me access - if I try to open into Access I get an AOIndex error and it refuses to open. All other sites on the same installation work fine.
Thanks for the offer Gabe - tried into OpenOffice and it also cried.
I made a management decision and dragged a known working copy of the database from an old ACD into the site1 folder, opened the last corrupted copy of Actinic on remote desktop and simply went through copy and pasting between the 2 version of the Actinic. Site is now allowing me to add sections, add products and also upload
Imagine my horror 30 minutes later (literally) when an email landed from Actinic support with the "fixed" database enough to make lesser mortals cry. "Thankfully" support still had not fixed the database! Not wanting to go for a 3rd time lucky with support and my database I have canceled the support ticket.
I now have more backups of the working site than humanly possible.
Thanks again to everyone on the forum for their ideas and suggestions in trying to get the database fixed. It was even beyond the combined efforts of the forum - when I kill something I do it properly