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Missing download link in receipt

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    Missing download link in receipt

    Hi everyone

    Something has gone horribly wrong with our site.
    In the receipt generated by Protx we have lost the link which allows our customers to go straight to their downloadable file.

    In its place is a blank space followed by NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTERTEXT

    This has come about since we changed the colour scheme and font aspects of the site.

    I cannot find any previous threads about this issue and nothing in Actinic FAQ.

    Any thoughts much appreciated.



    Hi there Steve

    My first suggestion would be:

    1. Make a backup of your act_order04.html template (Which is the receipt page) within your site folder.

    2. Once you have done this, please copy the original act_order04.html from C:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Formats\Themes\Business and paste it in C:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Sites\Site1 or whatever your site is called

    Once this is done, please update your website

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Missing download link

      I have tried exactly those steps as suggested.
      Regretably exactly the same message


      appears at the bottom of the page and no download link.

      What else can it be?




        In 'Design | Options | Layouts', change the Overall Layout template for the Receipt Page to 'Act_ReceiptPrimary.html' - this will get rid of the NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTERTEXT.

        With regards to the download link, it should appear just underneath the order lines in the shopping cart. Check your link colours in 'Design | Colors' to ensure that the colour is visible against the background colour you are using in your shipping cart (Form Background).


          Missing download link

          Thanks for those suggestions.
          I am now using the template as you indicated.
          It has indeed removed the FOOTER text.
          The download link is still not appearing and I have checked the source code for a link that may have been invisible due to colour.
          Have also changed the background colour.
          The download link is not found on the page at all.





            Could you just check that you have specified a file in the 'Digital Download' tab of a product? This will create a 'Click here to download' link underneath the individual item in the shopping cart on the receipt. Does a link appear on the email that customers receive?


              Missing download link

              Yes, all the products have a file listed on that DD tab (and the path to the file is correct) and have a tick in box AutoShip.




                Could I ask you to do a refresh - 'Web | Refresh Website' - as this will replace any files that might be missing.

                If that does not work then I think we have got as far as we can on the forum. You are going to need to raise a support query at and have the email team look at your snapshot.

