I’ve got something quite strange going on: We’ve installed Catolog 6 and integrated with secure trading and are now building the products.
When I log onto the web site to look at the site it’s fine and when something has been added to the basket the page reverts to the main page. I trapped the source code for this (which I assume is auto generated) as:
Please wait for your browser to forward you to the next page or click <A HREF="http://www.igbstore.com/acatalog/">here</A>.
However on every one else’s machine (note that I am logging onto the net from the development machine) the page reverts back to the last page from which something was ordered. So if, say, they order a new subscription, from a category subscription.html, then the cart contents briefly appear and the page reverts back to the subscription page, not the main page as on my machine. The code being:
Please wait for your browser to forward you to the next page or click <A HREF="http://www.igbstore.com/acatalog/subscription.html">here</A>.
My question 1. Why is this happening? Anyone any ideas why the development machine should behave differently on the Net to other machines?
2. I’d really like the customer to return to the main page after putting something in the basket, so how can I “force” this to happen.
Any ideas gratefully received.
When I log onto the web site to look at the site it’s fine and when something has been added to the basket the page reverts to the main page. I trapped the source code for this (which I assume is auto generated) as:
Please wait for your browser to forward you to the next page or click <A HREF="http://www.igbstore.com/acatalog/">here</A>.
However on every one else’s machine (note that I am logging onto the net from the development machine) the page reverts back to the last page from which something was ordered. So if, say, they order a new subscription, from a category subscription.html, then the cart contents briefly appear and the page reverts back to the subscription page, not the main page as on my machine. The code being:
Please wait for your browser to forward you to the next page or click <A HREF="http://www.igbstore.com/acatalog/subscription.html">here</A>.
My question 1. Why is this happening? Anyone any ideas why the development machine should behave differently on the Net to other machines?
2. I’d really like the customer to return to the main page after putting something in the basket, so how can I “force” this to happen.
Any ideas gratefully received.