I've been running two sites on Actinic Business MultiSite 8.5.1 HIZA on a well-specified Vista Home Premium machine (with UAC turned off) for over 3 months with no problems (worth mentioning ...
But now - for one of the sites - the site upload fails at 'Checking Search Indices' stage with 'check product index' showing (it runs through the 'Checking HTML files' and 'Checking Catalog stages' without a hitch).
For information, there is no problem uploading to the other site in Actinic.
I've done an Actinic Compact Database (Catalog and Shipping) but without any change.
As mentioned in these forums, I deleted all CAT and FIL files from both the server (acatalog folder) and from the PC's local site folder but same error appears. Have also tried Web > Generate Website but still fails at same point.
I have since re-instated all the FIL and CAT files back onto the server and web site works after a fashion. (To get back a working website I recreated the missing OldText.Fil and OldProducts.Fil files I'd deleted by copying and renaming PrevText.Fil and PrevProducts.Fil onto the server. This at least allows the existing site to function again, though the cart is slow.)
However I can't update the website at all as the upload problem has got worse.
When I try to upload now (or do a Site Refresh or a Generate Files), all that happens is that the egg timer appears but nothing else happens (no progress window) and Task Manager reports 0% CPU time against the Catalogue.exe process and there is no disk activity. I've kept the egg-timer running for several hours, but nothing doing. (No probs uploading to the other site on Actinic.)
Any ideas how to resolve this problem? It looked like a 'straightforward' corrupt search index problem, but deleting all the FIL and CAT files didn't help. Maybe a corrupt MDB file, in which case <scream> ... ?
Paul Tanner

But now - for one of the sites - the site upload fails at 'Checking Search Indices' stage with 'check product index' showing (it runs through the 'Checking HTML files' and 'Checking Catalog stages' without a hitch).
For information, there is no problem uploading to the other site in Actinic.
I've done an Actinic Compact Database (Catalog and Shipping) but without any change.
As mentioned in these forums, I deleted all CAT and FIL files from both the server (acatalog folder) and from the PC's local site folder but same error appears. Have also tried Web > Generate Website but still fails at same point.
I have since re-instated all the FIL and CAT files back onto the server and web site works after a fashion. (To get back a working website I recreated the missing OldText.Fil and OldProducts.Fil files I'd deleted by copying and renaming PrevText.Fil and PrevProducts.Fil onto the server. This at least allows the existing site to function again, though the cart is slow.)
However I can't update the website at all as the upload problem has got worse.
When I try to upload now (or do a Site Refresh or a Generate Files), all that happens is that the egg timer appears but nothing else happens (no progress window) and Task Manager reports 0% CPU time against the Catalogue.exe process and there is no disk activity. I've kept the egg-timer running for several hours, but nothing doing. (No probs uploading to the other site on Actinic.)
Any ideas how to resolve this problem? It looked like a 'straightforward' corrupt search index problem, but deleting all the FIL and CAT files didn't help. Maybe a corrupt MDB file, in which case <scream> ... ?
Paul Tanner