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problems uploading

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    problems uploading

    just registered...hello

    I have used Actinic for nearly 2 years but I only have the catalogue CD and not the design CD. My web designer has this. In addition, I have difficulty understanding the lingo at this stage although I am getting better.
    Unfortunately my web guy although he has tried can't resolve my issue of not being able to upload. What is problem and progress?

    freezes and times out on mostly on update and refresh

    sent recent snapshots to designer. There were no images on the snapshots

    reloaded all images. It was my fault. I had placed them in sub-folders. managed to get a snapshot and sent it via, a website which allows you to email large files

    in the meantime I had my computer diagnosed and windows had not done updates but apart from that it was given the all clear. I did this because my designer said he thought my computer was faulty or at least wasn't confident and although at first his lack of confidence was justified as my son was gaming on it, that doeas not happen any more and I use my computer for normal stuff, internet surfing, emails and of course Actinic. he says I should have a seperate computer for Actinic. Any comments please

    snapshot loaded at his end after a few tries and my website had images. he had done other things fiddling around with scripts etc. When i ask about that I don't get precise apologies don't know what he did

    he sent the snapshot back to me....problems start. Won't refresh but got past Went to Then said "there is already an FTP request in progress on this session" I wasn't uploading anything!! Then "internal application error". So rebooted(have done that a lot), refreshed. This time got upto sending catalogue files...I thought great!!! but got upto art deco sculpture, timed out...retry...retry...cancel. then came up with "unable to upload with FTP proptocol(what does this mean?). Usee HTTP. I clicked on HTTP and it carried on. I thought great!!!! It didn't accept some names so i clicked ignore and it carried on...all this was really slow. It eventually timed out on SiteRoot-index. Kept rebooting and refreshing. It went throuygh things more quickly with me still having to change to HTTP but it kept getting stuck right back at as it did originally.

    I continued on the phone with my web guy. We changed ID scripts, he deleted files from his end and one hour later still getting stuck. The only thing is I was getting charged for every minute on the phone and for every refresh he had to do or attempts to rectify or rebuild. I have clocked up apparently 8 hours work and still my problems have not been resolved and he advises I sort it out myself.

    I took Actinic off my computer and reinstalled and then imported the good site sent to me by my web designer. I rebooted, but got stuck at same place and timed out.

    I transfered Actinic to memery stick and the snapshot and put everything on my son't computer which is independent of mine. Got as far as sc000003. Got stuck but for some reason I went into advanced and clicked get cgi scripts or something, then send files and it carried on up to sending catalogue files. i started to get excited.... I managed again to get through to siteRoot-index.html again after using HTTP and ignoring a couple of names and then it said
    "server not properly configured to allow Actinic to run Cgi scripts from the cgi-bin. Run Web Configure Site Details to review your web configuration"
    My web designer said the server was fine. Must investigate that as I don't even know who my server is!!!!!!!! ooops. Tried again but it kept timing out and I eventually had to cancel.

    I then asked my web guy to send the necessary files again through Yousendit to another email address which is another computer in another place, my husband's work as he thought it could be something toi do with the connection to this house although i very rarely have internet connection or email problems...oh and also I've done a lot of tests which come up clean.

    So tonight I'm going to put Actinic onto that computer and see if I can refresh from there. I daren't try another refresh here as every time I do it, my website goes funny as only half of it loads and I can't do any business. my web guy then has to refresh from his end and he charges me. i've told him not to do any refreshes now and I'll just have to cope with a messed up site until i can get a good refresh through on my PC. I just want to establish first whether it's my computer, my server or something to do with the snapshot although it loads up fine with the web guy.

    Any help or comments would be appreciated


    Any comments or help

    All a bit of a mess really and a nice little money spinner for your designer ie you paying to correct his mistakes!

    Rather than spend hours typing on here send me a snapshot and I will try from here for you.


      I'm glad the forum never crashed when you clicked submit, that book by Britannica is shorter. I've just gone through 3 flasks reading it and then you posted it twice, so that's 6 flasks. Good detail though, sounds a mess.


        Quick observation what number is your perl script change this under the network settings to any number you like 1 2 3 4 5 what ever



          Might be your ISP connection.


            Blimey - monster first post

            It sounds like this could be server issues with the time outs etc. Who are you hosting your sites with? Have you contacted them to see if they are doing anything or have done any maintenance work recently? Even the smallest of changes that should not do anything can cause an issue.

            Are you able to connect to the site via FTP? If you don't have one you can download free FTP utilities or even use Internet Explorer ... this allows you to look at the file structure of the web server where you site is being stored.

            Have you any firewall / antivirus in place that may be causing issues? Try disabling temporarily to see if that resolves.

            These are the first things to look at before moving on to anything else.

            As for your other questions ... best to keep your son away from the PC with Actinic on it ... you can use the machine for emails, surfing etc but remember Actinic is part of your business so you need to protect it like you would an high street shop ... games and dodgy downloads are not worth the risk on a business machine IMHO.

            As or being charged - if he has not resolved it then you should not be charged for 8 hours of work that have not been successful. I would haggle on the amount at least if it has not been sorted... a full day with no outcome is pretty poor to say the least.

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              unable to upload

              Thanks for these responses.

              I have sent a snapshot to someone else in the forum for him to have a look

              We have changed the perl script a number of times

              The host is Business 125- does that make sense. I organise it through my web designer

              connect to the site using FTP and all that stuff-sorry don't understand that yet. It's a foreign language in which I've only done the first lessons I'm afraid

              I have thought of the anti virus, firewall thing and switched it off and tried it but no difference. I think i need to look at that a bit more. I have a windows firewall i have discovered as well and there are different boxes to tick next to the programmes you don't want affected by firewall. Internet Explorer is not ticked, should it be? Actinic is actually ticked, by whom i don't know. But in the firewall thing and anti virus, I affect it by going into configuration don't I?


                I would suggest that your designer appears to be taking advantage somewhat, might be worthwhile looking around for someone more forthcoming and less wont to blind with science
                The Pretty Dress Company


                  Well if the person trying the snapshot makes it work then the problem may well be your end

                  business 125, is that the host or the package you have, not one i recall



                    Dave really understands what his client wants. He has the relevant marketing background to give him a very good understanding of logo and brand and what his client wants to communicate. For my particular antiques and interiors website he drafted and redrafted to really capture the essence of my brand. This marketing experience coupled with the advanced IT skills necessary for a web build guaranteed a complete package from concept to completion and follow up.
                    I cannot emphasise more the absolute commitment Dave gave to this project and his remarkable ability to reassure and motivate


                      Is that the testimonial? The name Dave rings a bell lol


                        Originally posted by leehack
                        Is that the testimonial?
                        It's a product on the designers website

                        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                          Problem will be solved

                          Thanks for all the responses. I've got loads of advice now and I think it's the hosting which is the problem. I can now draw a close to this. I managed to upload from a different machine for the time being which took me 2 hours!!! but I've taken out cover with actinic and will most likely be on the phone for hours today!!!! Want to get my money's worth straight away.

                          So thanks for all you help folks and thank you for posting the testimonial!!!!! I wrote. I still stand by it actually. he did a lot of work initially and produced a fab website. It's just that at a certain point you need to move on and become a bit more autonomous..

                          No more messages then please


                            extra thank you

                            Sorry in my sense of relief, forgot to mention Malcolm(ruralwe) that you really helped. It's forum members like you who make a difference. After spending 2 hours of your time looking at the site snapshot and drawing conclusions, it really made me feel more confident and able to resolve the matter



