I can't read the error message on your screenshot. Perhaps it would be better to attach a non resized one
It looks as if maybe you've got duplicate filenames though i.e. you're attempting to load two instances of a file with the same name. Because Actinic loads everything into the /acatalog/ directory, you can only specify a single instance of a filename.
The way I generally manage to get this to happen is to have an identical image file specified in my Additional Files dialogue and my list of products.
Thx for the reply. I have redone the probs thing and its all below:
!) Errors
(File ExportFiles.cpp, Line 491) - The file D:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Sites\Site1\30 was not found System error 2 - The system cannot find the file specified.
2) Warnings
This site includes files that are outside the Actinic Ecommerce installation directory.
On importing the site these files will be delivered to a temporary location within the Actinic Ecommerce installation directory.
Manual intervention will be required to restore the site after import.
Firstly I have to a big thanks for such a quick reply -- i only have a modem dialup and limited access from home so it was hearting to see a start of the end of teething probs -- with your help (+all others) shoul/will get me through......
I still like this software even tho its giving me minor probs
No problem, although seeing the error messages correctly, my advice above was not particularly relevant
1) You seem to have a missing file called 30 in your site1 directory. I don't quite know what this is referring to, but Actinic can't find it. Is it a product image file that's missing or something like that?
2) I find that it is helpful to keep all of the files that Actinic references within the SITE1 directory (or whichever site you're using). All of my product images are in a subdirectory called ..\site1\catimages. This keeps all of the files within the main site directory, and allows easy access from within the catalog. I would personally copy the image into a subdirectory of the \site1\ directory and reference it from there.
Another thing that's just occurred to me (but is completely unrelated to this problem) is that you have a space within your filename. Some browsers will not display files when their names contain a space. Perhaps this is something to keep in mind.
3) I think it's predominantly related to 1) above. It can't generate the files, because it has a missing file by the looks of it.
If you have moved files from one location to another, you will have to amend the references to those files in the Actinic software. For instance, if you have moved a product image, the path to the image will have to be changed in the Product Details.
Here's a 'quick fix' for you. Not ideal by any means but it should work
Why don't you just create a blank file in your site1 folder and just call it 30.
That way, if it's a non-critical file, at least it will upload, and by looking through the uploaded store, you may possibly be able to see better what it is.