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Disappearing Upload Box!

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    Disappearing Upload Box!

    This is my first post, so before I begin, Hello everyone!

    I have a problem when uploading, inasmuch as when the the third part of the upload is being performed (i.e. "Checking Search Indices") and the dialogue box has reached "Checking Word Indices", about 40 seconds later the box disappears.

    This appears to be a common problem in Version 8 (I'm running CGUA to be precise) and I have tried all of the fixes mentioned elsewhere on the forum, without success.

    The problem has been reported to Support and they, too, have suggested a few fixes, all without success, one of which was to upload my "full...fil files and rename them "old...fil" and, in doing so, we have established that I don't have a "fullprice.fil" file in my Site 1 folder. We attempted to fix this, too, by adding a new product and generating the website, however it fell over, of course, in the same place, again.

    The engineers are working on it, however I haven't had any more suggestions for a couple of days and am becoming a bit desperate to upload changes (I haven't been able to do this for nearly 3 weeks!), and am beginning to worry that they are out of ideas.

    Has anyone out there come across this and, better still, any ideas for how to fix it??!!

    Finally, thanks for the the posts you have all made over the years - you've no idea how much this has helped me in the past!


    I had a similar problem with a site yesterday
    You mentioned you'd tried all the other fixes on the forum but, so people don't recommend something you may have already done, what DID you try?

    My first port of call would be to change the script ID (Web > Network Setup) and try again
    Alternatively, if could be a hosting problem. Have you successfully uploaded to this webspace before?

    do you have 'silent running' switched on in the FTP setup? In Web > Network Setup. If 'Use Enhanced FTP' is ticked, click on 'FTP Options' and UNcheck the 'silent running' box (if checked)
    This should, at least, give you some sort of warning message in case this setting is suppressing one.

    Just another idea anyway...of course, you might have tried all these already


      Hi Tracey,

      It's true - the forum really is quicker than Actinic Support! Thanks for your reply.

      I should have mentioned these before - sorry!

      1.) I changed the CGI Script ID Number (This is the one you were suggesting, I think, Tracey?)

      2.) I edited the "npreviousDSTS" column in the File Merge State table on the database to read "-1" all the way down.

      3.) I have compacted the database (loads of times!)

      4.) Increased the Timeout delay

      5.) Tick / untiick "Use Passive FTP" box

      There's no problem with the Hosting - I've been using the same firm for over 5 years and have uploaded to it thousands of times.

      I do, however, have silent running enabled, so have "unticked" the box as suggested and am running it at the moment. I'll see what happens!

      Thanks, again, Tracey - much appreciated!


        have your tired switching to test mode and uploading, i have seen this when switching from test mode, then you need to change the script id. Sometimes actinic needs a kick up the arse.

        Also copy the script files from the original folder, to your site folder and try that



          Many thanks, Darren

          I'm afraid I didn't have any success having disabled Silent Running so am currently uploading in Test Mode, as suggested. This has passed the point where it was falling over in Operational Mode, which is a start, I suppose!

          When this has completed, I will change the Script ID (I assume you mean the CGI Script ID, currently set at 1, so I'll change it to 2) then I'll try uploading again in Operational Mode.

          I'll let you know how I get on. Thanks for your help.


            Originally posted by Orkney Shaun View Post
            Many thanks, Darren

            I'm afraid I didn't have any success having disabled Silent Running
            the site I was having problems with yesterday gave me problems again today when I imported the network settings again.(incidentally, these network settings have never had silent running enabled (or enhanced FTP) was something I'd tried on the site after importing them originally)
            Disappearing upload box again
            I checked the database to make sure Silent Running WAS disabled (it was shown as being in the Network Settings) and all seemed fine so I changed the CGI Script ID and it did fix the problem (again)

            Just so you know you're not alone!


              Originally posted by TraceyHand View Post
              Just so you know you're not alone!
              Your never alone, the forum is one big happy family


                Originally posted by Darren B View Post
                Your never alone, the forum is one big happy family
                ahh yes...all those relatives you love to hate


                  Hi again, Tracey and Darren.

                  The upload in Test Mode worked fine, however after changing back to Operational Mode and altering the Script ID to "2", the upload box disappeared in exactly the same place, again.

                  Support had suggested uploading the fullprice.fil file to the webite, then changing the name to oldprice.fil via ftp. However, I don't have a fullprice.fil file! They then suggested the same with the newprice.fil file, but I don't have this one, either! (I send to send them a screen dump of all the .fil files to prove it.) This was yesterday morning, and they haven't come back to me, yet.

                  How I wish changing the Script ID worked for me as it did for you, Tracey! (I'm glad you're sorted out, anyway.) Any more ideas, anyone?

                  In the meantime, have a good weekend, everyone.


                    if those files are missing then something is defintely f***

                    The only ting i can think of is to back up everything and uninstall actinic, then start again from a snapshot. Obviously after support have suggested there fix

                    ok last thing that looks like it has been missed, copy the script files from the original folder under program files/actinic v8 to your site folder - these will be the .pl files


                      Since you were all so kind in trying to help me, I thought I would give you an update.

                      Support has advised that the problem is definitely something to do with my website missing the oldprice.fil file. (Indeed, the Site 1 Folder does not have any ...price.fil files: newprice.fil, candprice.fil, difprice.fil and fullprice.fil - all missing.)

                      I have tried refreshing the script files, but this didn't work, I'm afraid.

                      It was suggested that I enable "Allow Searching by Price Band" in Search Options, then refresh, but it still fell over in the same place.

                      The problem is now that it has been referred to a Developer and it looks as if response times when referred are a lot longer than normal!

                      Anyway, there it is. I haven't been able to update my website now for nearly a month! If anyone has any ideas how I could get the ...price.fil files generated, I'd be very grateful!


