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Links to shop

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    Links to shop

    When I preview my site from within Catalog the link from my Products image is C:/Program Files/Actinic Ecommerce v6/Sites/Site1/PreviewHTML/P_index.html and this takes me into the main page of the shop.

    However, when I look at the site using localhost as the server the same Products image now points to http://localhost/cgi-bin/ , which when clicked returns a Page Not Found error.

    What have I done wrong? Help gratefully accepted!

    I don't think you have done anything wrong. That's the format of link that I use for my store and it works fine.

    Try experimenting by creating a brochure fragment on your home page and then linking it to a section or product in the store. If this does not work either then it may be a problem with Perl on your machine. If you go to http://localhost/acatalog/ are you able to search and add to cart?

    Also, do a 'Test' in 'Advanced | Network Setup' and see what happens.


      That's the format of link that I use for my store and it works fine.

      While these type of links work it seems that the method the seach script uses to redirect to the actal page operates in some way that causes Internet Explorer to re-load every item on that page regardless of whether it's in the browser cache or not.

      Try navigating to the same page several times and then look in your servers access log and you'll see what I mean.

      I discovered this when trying to make NorTree more efficient. I thought my code was causing this but it turns out that anything that uses these searchscript like re-directs is very inefficient.

      It could well be that changing the way the searchscript redirect to the desired page will speed things up a lot. One for the next update perhaps?

      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Hi Chris

        Thanks for the reply. It was indeed a problem with my installation of Perl. This is now fixed and everything seems to be working except a search made from the top level of the shop returns a General Script Error page. However, if I go into the shop one level and do the same search then it works. Any advice on this one please? The shopping cart and check out works fine.


          No ideas on why you are getting the script error on the front page.

          Have you edited the templates at all?

          Have you made any changes to Act_Primary.html or Act_CatalogBody.html?

          Is the error from using the quick search or using the main search when it is inserted on the front page?


            Hi Chris

            The error is from the Quick Search only. Searching from the 'Search' button returns the correct result.

            No changes have been made to the templates.


              Have you, by any chance, edited Act_Primary.html so that NETQUOTEVAR:SIMPLESEARCH is between NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTFORMBEGIN and NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTFORMEND?

              This would cause the exact symptoms you describe.

