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Uploading very slow

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    Uploading very slow

    I have a large site with lots of images and pages... When ever I seem to do an UPLOAD it takes ages.... I mean ages....

    On the FTP site it shows actinic opening up loads of sessions... Whats going wrong or is this how it is supposed to work... I have broadband and should be getting uploads of 256k. I understand that if the bandwidth is being used through other connections on the server then it will be slow. Alas, this is not the case...

    If i use a product like WS_FTP then the uploads are far quicker... Hence I have come to the conclusion it is Actinic... PS im not using WS_FTP to upload the site, just testing.

    Any advise on server settings etc would be most appreciated

    Hi Darren

    Please have a look at the following kb article entitled What happens during an upload?

    Sending base files...
    Actinic creates an ftp connection and uploads the base files (perl scripts) to the server. When the upload is done a new ftp session is created and the file permissions are adjusted as required.

    Purging files...
    Actinic investigates the folders on the server to find any files uploaded previously but not required at the moment. If such a file found on the server the file is removed.

    Sending catalog files...
    The content of the acatalog directory (and the applet files) are uploaded at this phase. All the HTML files (catalog and brochure), BLOBs, images and other files are uploaded to the acatalog directory via ftp (by default).
    Something that is not mentioned, is when it sending the catalog file, it sets the permissions of the file here, using CHMOD. (If that function is set).
    Not only is Actinic uploading the .html and your pictures, but also it is sending .cat files and .fil (These are first generated locally on your pc).When it is sending these files it has to set the permission to make them read, write and execute. This will be the reason why it is slow.

    If actinic does not set the permission, then it is possible you will have issues with your webstore.

    I hope this helps you

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Thanks that makes things clearer.

      I will speak to my ISP

