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Problem after uploading Actinic to server

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    Problem after uploading Actinic to server

    Hi - I'm new to this! I have a client using Actinic who has uploaded it to my Linux Server. It's all there but we get this error, also 'buy' buttons don't work:

    Actinic received a bad method error from the web server. The server is not properly configured to allow Actinic to run CGI scripts from the cgi-bin. Run Web | Configure Web Site Details... to review your web site configuration.

    And when clicking on "View Response" received :

    Method Not Allowed
    The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /cgi-bin/

    Any ideas? Thank you in advance.

    Do what it tells you to do in the message, you have got to get the network settings to pass the test.


      Uploading problem reply

      Thanks for your reply. This is the support email I've had from Fasthosts (see below), it appears it's never going to work! I'm unfamiliar with Actinic. Do you know how I can get this site hosted for my client?

      "It seems we are at the end of how far we can support you, I have seen this problem a few times now as you have detailed:

      The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL

      It seems like our servers cannot do what Actinic is wanting them to do, hence the error POST is not allowed.

      I have found no way around this problem myself and have even tried to install Actinic myself getting the same error, with various fixes and research i still cannot find a solution.

      It is a shame some products such as this do not work on our systems, but all of our servers are pre-configured for performance and security purposes, we would not make a direct config change to any servers at a customers request.

      This time I will have to advise you maybe to seek another host who does support and help with Actinic or, considering your own Dedicated solution.

      Sorry for any inconvenience caused, we cannot help you any further with this matter.


        Search the forum for fasthosts... I couldn't recommend webfusion actinic hosting any better if a UK-based host is what you are after with price in mind


          So the hosts is telling that you cannot use actinic on their servers, but you will not be swayed and determined to keep trying? You have to move hosts, simple as that. There is not a worse actinic host than Fasthosts, search the forum to see the 100's before you. Waste no more time on them, get a new host, no question or any other option available to you. The forum details recommendations for those that work with actinic. Pinbrook, webfusion, 1&1 and tame the web to name four of your options.


            This is the support email I've had from Fasthosts (see below), it appears it's never going to work! I'm unfamiliar with Actinic. Do you know how I can get this site hosted for my client?
            If fasthosts say they can not support actinic your only solution is to change hosts.

            do a search here to help you choose a compatible host


              Thanks for all your replies. Looks like we're moving!

