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Is this strictly necessary?

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    Is this strictly necessary?

    Site under v9.03.
    Just ticked the box to suspend ordering and changed the text that's displayed instead of the BUY button.
    Update site and now find it's effectively refreshing the entire site - including all the images.
    Madness, surely?

    Kind Regards
    Sean Williams

    Calamander Ltd

    As you are suspending ordering all the product pages need setting as such.. hence the site will just about republish the product HTML pages. You have disabled ordering AND changed the button to text which is again part of the embedded HTML so has to be published.

    There is no other way (other than a crude FTP hack to the cgi-bin but forget I ever mentioned that) and is doing as it should.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      ....but not the images - these shouldn't need to be uploaded.


        Thanks chaps.
        When it uploaded the .html, I just sighed, but I was surprised at the image uploads.
        I understand the embedded html thing, but it seems a bit daft - surely something like this would be better handled as a simple variable call [for the catalogue suspended text] from within the html, thus avoiding having to replace all the pages?
        Or am I misunderstanding something ...
        Kind Regards
        Sean Williams

        Calamander Ltd


          its the difference between an online/offline solution i guess.

          actinic needs to place "catalog suspended" beside every product and reupload every page with a product, cat and fil file.

          Maybe you didn't notice the tickbox to exclude images on this occaision, or maybe you moved to a difference pc


            Originally posted by pinbrook View Post
            Maybe you didn't notice the tickbox to exclude images on this occaision, or maybe you moved to a difference pc
            Or maybe it's because I'm an eejit

            But, if one uses the Update button (which I did), the option to exclude images isn't presented.
            I would have been better off doing a Refresh I guess. Now I know for the next time
            Kind Regards
            Sean Williams

            Calamander Ltd


              A dirty hack for future use which takes 5 seconds to deactivate buying is to add a class to the buy button and in the actinic.css

              .stopBUYING {

              when you want to remove the buy button remove the comments ie

              .stopBUYING {

              when you refresh the site all that will go is the actinic.css

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                Far from a dirty hack, I'd say that was a very elegant solution and something that could so easily be standard in Actinic.
                Thanks ever so much John - I'll do it right away
                Kind Regards
                Sean Williams

                Calamander Ltd


                  An alternative solution which has worked well for us through a couple of major site upgrades:

                  create this .htaccess file in the root of your site:

                  <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
                  RewriteEngine on
                  RewriteBase /
                  RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !=AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD
                  RewriteRule ^.*\.(html|php)$ closed.html
                  Replace AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD with your router's IP address (WAN address not LAN address).
                  This redirects all html and php page requests to closed.html for all client PCs except yours (this requires of course that you have a static IP address).
                  Customers are therefore redirected to closed.html which is a simple page that you have created with your logo, a 'sorry - site down for maintenance, back later today' message and today's date for reassurance that this is a current activity and it's not been dead for weeks. Plus sales office phone number or whatever else you want.
                  Meanwhile you can see the site as normal, you don't have to upload the whole thing just to suspend ordering, upload an upgrade, and upload again to turn ordering back on. It's clear to customers what's happening and because it's not redirecting .pl access, customers currently in checkout can also complete. When you're done, delete or rename .htaccess and the site springs back into life.
                  Saved us a lot of time and effort anyway.

                  Cult Pens

