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Path from FTP server to Catalog

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    Path from FTP server to Catalog

    I know this is probably covered elsewhere but help me please...

    I have set up ssl but get the error message about the Path from FTP server to Catalog is incorrect the rest of the message is as follows:-

    GI-BIN Working Directory: "e:/sslroot/*****/cgi-bin"

    CGI-BIN Working Directory Contents

    "./" Directory Contents

    An error occurred trying to read "./acatalog/"

    The path to the web site directory you specified (./acatalog/) points to a file.

    The web site directory is not readable.
    The web site directory is not writable.
    Unable to create a file in the web page directory.

    No such file or directory

    Unable to create a sub-directory in the web site directory.

    No such file or directory

    Many thanks
    Steven Bird
    The Model Tree Shop

    its always best to get network settings working outside SSL, do the network settings work without SSL?

    turn off the tick box in payment and security and remove all paths in ssl tab - then test. Once these work, just return to payment and security and retick. SSL tab will repopulate.


      I wish SSL was just buried, it causes far more problems than it ever stops. It's just not worth it IMO, you couldn't have multi million pound turnover actinic sites without SSL if it was ever an issue not having it.


        I have now got this all working but have hit the next snag that seems to be covered everywhere but without a definitive answer which is that when a customer makes a purchase (http site)the basket can be viewed clearly, however on moving to checkout (https site) the basket is empty! If I try to shop purely on the https site it all works fine but this isn't where my customers shop as they only know the http site. Please see attachment for network settings (username deliberately blank).
        Steven Bird
        The Model Tree Shop


          that seems to be covered everywhere but without a definitive answer
          Good on you for searching before posting. We have covered this before but sometimes there can be confusing or conflicting information around.

          You're linking to, and entering, the site without 'www.'

          URLs with and without the www. are different domains just as ftp. and smtp. etc are different. Because of this the cookie created on www. (as this is how your cart has been set up) is not accessable to the website when you're no longer on the www. domain.

          I would imagine your SSL certificate has been issued without the www. which is what will be causing the problem on the secure checkout.

          The solution is simple. Don't create links without the www. and don't enter the site without using www. If you want to get advanced you can create a .htaccess file to redirect anyone who arrives at the site without using www. but this isn't really necessary as long as you follow the first part of this answer.

          And you'll also need to get the SSL certificate issued with the www.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



            Make sure that you use the www. version of your doman name everywhere, particularly in network settings.


              Mnay thanks to all who have helped - The solution in the end was simple

              DROP FASTHOSTS

              Life now is great and CC payment is painless...
              Steven Bird
              The Model Tree Shop

