In order to assist you with any upload or network issues, there are a number of things we will need to know in order to fully help you. Please ensure you provide an answer to each of the following questions:
Along with answers to the above, please post your network settings (with usernames and passwords removed). You can do this by going to Web - Network Setup - Export, exporting them to a notepad file and then copy pasting from that notepad file directly into the forum. NB: If you are a pre V8 user, you need to go into Advanced > Network setup to find the same thing.
By providing this information, you can be assured of receiving the fastest help possible.
Thank you.
- Who is your host?
- Is it unix or windows hosting?
- Is the permission on the cgi-bin set to 755?
- Is the permission on the acatalog folder set to 777?
- Is this your first upload? Has it worked in the past?
- Have you compacted the database in the housekeeping menu?
- Have you changed the cgi number in network setup and tried to reupload?
- Have you run the network wizard? what was the result?
Along with answers to the above, please post your network settings (with usernames and passwords removed). You can do this by going to Web - Network Setup - Export, exporting them to a notepad file and then copy pasting from that notepad file directly into the forum. NB: If you are a pre V8 user, you need to go into Advanced > Network setup to find the same thing.
By providing this information, you can be assured of receiving the fastest help possible.
Thank you.