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Site not working after move to new server

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    Site not working after move to new server


    We have a site we are trying to get working

    We have tried two different server types but cannot get the site working.

    Sadly, the web designer of one of our clients has died so all we have are the
    original source files from the server.

    The version is about 3 years old.

    The home page works but on entering the catalogue we get this error.

    A General Script Error Occurred
    Error: Error opening C:/Inetpub/vhosts/ (Permission denied)Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

    Any direction would be greatly appreciated.


    Moving a site from one server to another should worK, (we've done it loads of times). The error you have is permissions based, did you bring all the permissions across with you? has the new server got the same folder structure?

    However a server move is only temporary fix as the site owner will need to upload/download from the controlling pc at some stage.

    Where is this PC, is it with the client or the webdesigner?


      Server details


      Thanks for notes

      We have moved to two servers a windows running php and a linux server.

      The version on the linux server can be seen on a test domain

      We have set cgi-bin to 755 and all files and acatalog to 777 and all files

      So we are running on two different servers but same issue.

      I assume we have copied all files but will have to make sure.

      The web designer did all the work for the client so the client has no software at all.

      If we can get the site working we can look into the next stage of replacing software/licences etc

      Are there any obvious files that should be present that might be causing the permissions issue?

      Thanks in advance.


        Unless you can retreive the site from the webdesigner's PC you are on a hiding to nothing.

        Actinic is controlled via a PC.

        Thus without the software and database from the webdesigner's PC you are looking at a rebuild. ie cut and paste from the html files from the server.


          The problem you're seeing is related to the permissions of the session files as described by actinic. The problem is that the Actinic scripts don't have sufficient rights to change these files.

          If I remember correctly, actinic writes to these files and then sets the permissions to 644 to keep them secure.

          There are two potential causes I can think of:

          1. The session files don't have the correct permissions set. They should inherit 755 (or 777) from the acatalog directory.


          2. The scripts don't have owners rights to access the session files once they're set to 644.

          I think the second problem might be more common on windows servers.

          I agree with Jo though. Your client needs Actinic software to access any orders that are received. You might get copies of the order emails, but that will depend on whether the email settings work on your servers.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


