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Invalid FTP server name

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    Invalid FTP server name


    First post so sorry if this has been done a thousand times before. I did try searching but none of the hits matched.

    I began to design my site, uploaded to the trial link - everything fine.
    Made a bit of a mess with photos of products stored in folders outside Actinic so got warnings.

    Decided to just scrap what I had done so far by deleting the links to the photos for now (these are just test photos) Now when I try to publish the site without any photos I get "Invalid FTP server name" at the end of the upload process.

    If I bring back the snapshot and publish it with the photos in the wrong folders (and the warnings) its fine. So why do links to photos cause an FTP server name error?

    Any advice appreciated (well any advice other than "bog off new boy" )

    NOTE: Thread moved to the appropriate forum.

    Have you tried a network test and what happened if so.


      Sorry if it was in the wrong area.

      No I have not tried a networkd test, I dont know how, (yet) will search for that.

      However the site uploads fine if I dont remove the the links to images in the General tab of the products.




        The test button is in the same place where your network settings are input, it will proceed through checking them all and send you a confirmation email. (web > network setup)


          The test button is grayed out, I'll try changing one thing at a time and see where it fails.




            Make sure you are not in test mode, you want to be in production mode.


              When you upload your website, the FTP server name is the address to your webspace, thus it makes no sense that deleting links to photos should cause this error.

              however working on the basis that it does, why not place all the images within site1 folder and change the links to them rather than remove the links

              Otherwise - tell us who your host is, and post network settings (without passwords etc)


                Yes I had tried that and got the same thing.

                So I have just gradually removed the photo links one at a time, uploading after each removal. I Finally removed them all and it's still working, stange?

                I cant explain it, I know a lot a about computers but web sites are new to me, so being a novice I would suspect "me" first for finger trouble. But its odd it just goes away with photos. Its probably just giving me a wrong error message and its not really and FTP server name problem at all. Perhaps just some format or file location that causes it to bomb.

                Thanks for the advice


                PS its the Actinic trial host

