I hope someone can help. I've installed activeperl, Apache Web Server, War FTP 1.65 and it all seems to be working fine. When I run a test within Actinic Business in the Network setup option. it comes up with the following message
The computer you specified as your mail server is not a valid mail (SMTP) server. Check the computer name or address and try again. If it fails again, then it is possible, you were locked out by a firewall program, or you don't have network connection to this server.
I would appreciate any help on sorting out this problem. I'm so close yet so far
I hope someone can help. I've installed activeperl, Apache Web Server, War FTP 1.65 and it all seems to be working fine. When I run a test within Actinic Business in the Network setup option. it comes up with the following message
The computer you specified as your mail server is not a valid mail (SMTP) server. Check the computer name or address and try again. If it fails again, then it is possible, you were locked out by a firewall program, or you don't have network connection to this server.
I would appreciate any help on sorting out this problem. I'm so close yet so far