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template design

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    template design

    I've just bought catalog and cover, and expect it to land on my desk sometime today.... I'm wanting some advice on template design please folks. I have followed the section in the advanced user guide but it's not detailed enough for my liking - there are some gaps. I'm basically wanting to use a custom design that I have knocked up in fireworks. I just want to have a play and see what I can achieve - being a non-designer it's quite a challenge! I've got the png ready for slicing but my first problem is 'exactly' where do I slice? I'm not changing everything however, as you can see below, I just want to 'incorporate' this into Actinic as best as possible, or something like it at least. I quite like the clean layouts 12 and 13 (I think they are??) but I want to add my own customisations to the overall look. Where the hell do I start?

    Use the code snippets that are in the the Advanced User Guide and have a toy around with them to see what they produce
    Owner of a broken heart


      thanks for the reply mate - my problem is where to go from here though - I'm not exactly sure how to slice this png up - I had a play yesterday and it looked totally wrong in Dreamweaver after I had imported the slices.


        You will need to slice areas.

        I have attached a screen dump with a basic slice operation.

        Create slices where you want different elements from actinic to show.

        You need to make sure IMHO that the slices are neat and you dont leave ting little strips. Also make sure in Fireworks you have chosen the option to build the page with "Nested Tables - No Spacers"

        Its not that easy and will take a while to get used to where to slice.
        Attached Files
        Owner of a broken heart


          hmm a slight hurdle - I'm in the process of slicing up my png. I intend to use the original buttons supplied with Actinic - do I need to slice up the area where these will appear?


            Yes just create a slice that you can delete then put the code for Actinic in it's place.
            Owner of a broken heart


              I'm not sure how this will work out but I'm having a go anyway


                You will have to watch what happens when the page content stretches the page.

                e.g. you products in a section are say 20.

                you need to see what happens to the side menu when you strectch the BULK of the page.

                Best to have a top, bottom and middle slice. Use the middle slice as a table cell background and it should always fit.

                In Dreamwaever you will have to align tables and cells to the TOP
                Owner of a broken heart


                  Right I've changed my template layout to top, middle and bottom as you said - and I've got the jpegs saved as slices in a folder. What do I need to do now? From reading the advanced pdf I need to open a master template up into dreamweaver and 'replace' certain parts of that template with my jpegs - I've tried this however and I can't get it to work properly. Am I missing something here?


                    You should export from Fireworks using the wizard and choose Dreamweaver as the target.

                    Open the HTML file created by Fireworks in DW then you can start to remove excess graphics and put the Actinic "Black Box" stuff in
                    Owner of a broken heart


                      Ooooh its really complicated... I have managed to get something into the Act_Primary.html but it's not great. It's gonna be damn near impossible for me to do this I think.


                        If you just have one site to do then it is a very steep learning curve. You can get my details here if you want to talk
                        Owner of a broken heart


                          Thanks Gary I appreciate your time on this. It is a steep curve, and I'm a sucker for punishment like this.. I honestly dont think I can do it though, I need to be shown how.


                            Trial and Error.

                            We dont often get slicing right first time.
                            Owner of a broken heart


                              .. just trying it again. When you put the 'variables' in place over the custom design, do you have to delete whats underneath, if you follow?

                              What's the name of the first template you see when you go to the site, ie the index.html? I thought that was Act_Primary but it's not is it..

