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difference between [network settings] and [configure website details] settings - v8

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    difference between [network settings] and [configure website details] settings - v8

    I'm setting up a new site, happily gone into [network setup...] and configured everything, tested, all works including emails,
    when I then go into [configure website details] and run that setup, some of the email settings are not correct (defaulting from a website I copied to give me a headstart when I created)
    I've changed those settings to match those in [network setup] got as far as the email, and it says "not a valid email server etc etc"
    I've checked and changed all pearl files to make my $nSmtpPort=26 (as required by my server)

    so the question is
    Whats the difference between [configure website details] and [network setup...] - why use one and not the other?
    is there anywhere else I need to edit/change to make sure the email-server, port, username, password is correct across the system.
