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Path from CGI BIN

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    Path from CGI BIN

    Im trying to set up the network settings in actinic, We are hosting on fasthohsts and have set all the information up as suggested by Fasthosts and by Actinic. However, the system fails everytime it gets to the Path to CGI-BIN dir . It then pops a window with a dir structure on the left and asks to navigate to the dir and then >> into the path field. The problem is that the dir structure on the left bears no resemblance to my pc. It suggests it is set up for IIS (inetpub/wwwroot) There isnt a dir on my machine called INETPUB. I think it's getting the structure from a test script sent to the server?

    If it's any help i have included an image of the error file.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Hi there.

    To be honest, if you are on a Fasthosts Windows IIS6 (Windows 2003) server I doubt Actinic will work, it tends to fail on a 502 Gateway error when you upload, however before we give up with the server, try the following in the Advanced | Network setup

    ./acatalog/ as the path from cgi to acatalog, and:

    ../acatalog/ as the FTP cgi to acatalog path - the one that says leave blank.

    I suggest you contact Fasthosts and get them to move you to Unix (so long as part of your site does not use asp scripting, you should be fine.)

    The permissions will need to be set on the Unix server using a program called Putty. If you login to the support area on Fasthosts, and search for Putty you should find a document that will help you set the permissions.

    The permissions on the acatalog should be 777 and on the cgi-bin they should be 755.

    I hope this helps.



      Hi and Thanks...
      I tried those settings, Fasthosts say they have no problem with their windows servers, they have a lot of customers using actinic and recommend it!

      The problem seems to be the test script seems to think I have IIS installed, according to the popup it says:

      CGI-BIN Working Directory: "c:/inetpub/wwwroot"

      Where does it get this from? I dont have IIS installed so therefore the dir's won't exist.

      It also says 'cannot write to the directory' before this screen pops up?


        I think if you ask about Fasthosts and Windows server in this forum you will get a very different opinion to that of Fasthosts.

        Also just do a search here on "Fasthosts" and make your own mind up



          CGI-BIN Working Directory: "c:/inetpub/wwwroot"
          The test script is uploaded to your server and then carries out its tests there. Therefore, this directory is on the server not your pc.

          It also says 'cannot write to the directory' before this screen pops up?
          This means that the permissions have not been set correctly on the folders for Actinic to work. NT servers (and derivatives) have two separate sets of permissions:-

          NTFS - physical directory permissions
          IIS - Web server permissions

          You will have to apply the following settings to make it work:-

          IIScgi-bin = read/execute


          cgi-bin = Catalog's FTP account needs 'Change' permissions on the directory acatalog = Catalog's FTP account needs 'Change' permissions on the directory AND the IUSR_<servername> account needs to have 'Change' permissions on the directory.

          These settings should allow Catalog/Business to upload to the server correctly.

          These permissions will have to be set by the server administrator.


            I stopped using fasthosts after they say that there SSL would not work with Actinic, moved to and runs like a dream. I can only say that fasthosts have bad issues with the way Actinic uses SSL and because fasthosts can only use SSL on a folder i never got it working and their own technical team told me that.

