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SMTP Server settings

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    SMTP Server settings


    I am unable to send email confirmation of customers orders from my Sellerdeck website. I have tried alternative settings but I now get an error message saying this
    Failed to communicate with the SMTP server.

    Possible Cause:
    1. Network transmission problems.
    2. Could have Changed the SMTP Server settings, but not Uploaded after that.

    1. Retry
    2. Upload the Site First, if you have changed the SMTP Server Settings.

    If retry fails, check your SMTP settings
    or contact your ISP.

    My hosting company reset the SMTP setting and it appeared to work but clearly the emails are still not being sent or confirmation to customers. I have tried alternative settings suggested by my hosting company but then I get a different error message (If I try and alter the password)

    SMPT Username/Password characters can be in the range '!'(ASCII(33)) - '~'(ASCII(126))

    Does Sellerdeck use a third party to send out emails from the site. I assumed I was using my hosting company.

    What am I supposed to do to rectify this? I have always been able to confirm orders as being processed and then send another confirmation of despatch to the customer, neither of which are now working. I do not know if it may be a microsoft update that has caused this as it has already disabled one of my Kyocera printers. Can anyone help please? I'm at my wits end with this

    I have something similar, all worked well for years and about a week ago this started to happen
    • Same SMTP error message, with "order received" and "order sent"- but emails are sending, confirmed by dummy order, and BCC myself into a live order.
    • Network test fails on SMTP, but I receive the test email
    • Filling in the "contact us" form - you get a delay after clicking send - then a error message saying not sent, but I am receiving the emails - and replying in normal way
    Server not reporting any issues, and I have been given some alternative settings to try, but it didn't fix the error message coming up, although emails / contact us form are functioning.


      Are you getting this with all order emails or just certain ones for example btinternet?

      Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland


        Originally posted by EdHarrison View Post
        Are you getting this with all order emails or just certain ones for example btinternet?
        Not in my case, last three for example have been sky, sky, gmail,- and I know customers are getting the emails because some reply

        My personal email is - if I use the contact us form to test, it throws up the attached message - but go to inbox and message has been sent / received and I can reply to it as normal.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	formnotsending.jpg
Views:	212
Size:	18.4 KB
ID:	554016
        Attached Files


          I hadva lot of problems with BT email addresses being rejected and had to add SPF records

          Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland

