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How easy with HSBC

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    How easy with HSBC


    I have a merchant account with HSBC and a card processing machine.

    I have downloaded the evaluation of "catalogue" and was wondering how it all integrates with the secure e-payments from my bank?

    And what is my next step?

    Hi there,

    The integration with HSBC can only be accomplished with V6.1.4 of Actinic, which is currently being tested at the moment.

    Linking Actinic with HSBC is very straightforward. All you need to do is;

    1. In Actinic go to View | Business Settings | Payment and Security tab

    2. Under Payment Method click on the '+' on the top left hand corner.

    3. Select HSBC as a PSP from the drop down list.

    4. Click on the configure method and insert the appropriate information.

    5. Apply and OK the setting and simply upload your store to take the changes across to the website.

    Hope this helps
    Thank You
    Menar Khan


      I have downloaded the evaluation version and am currently evaluating it.

      It does seem like the ideal solution for me but would like an answer to the following quesitons.

      1. Can I purchase the software with a business cheque direct from you?

      2. Hhow can I upgrade to the version 6.1.4? My version does not have the HSBC as an option within the drop down list you mentioned.

      Vince Gledhill


        Can I purchase the software with a business cheque direct from you
        I will advise you to call our sales team in regards of payment on 0845 129 4800

        How can I upgrade to the version 6.1.4?
        You can download this from our website from once we have released that version.
        Thank You
        Menar Khan


          Hi all,

          I have been viewing the threads on this board trying to find out when the HSBC Epayments upgrade will be available for Actinic version 4. Sorry if it has been brought up somewhere else, but I could not find anything.

          Furthermore, I haven't seen any feedback on how the trial version 6 is working. Can anyone who is using it tell me how smoothly it works and what procedures you are using now if the address details do not match (as I understand you do not see the customers card details.) etc.? Also, will the system authorise (address check) non-UK bank cards?

          Thanks in advance


            Don't know about the address checks but my first customer was from the US and it worked.


              With regards to v4, the PSPSetup.exe file that will install HSBC into v4 is available from


                Okay, thanks for that guys.

                I have installed the patch for V4.1.1 and am having some difficulties. I managed to get the link to HSBC working in "test" mode. However, having been told by HSBC that they are happy with the site and have made the system "live" at their end, I did the same and I am now getting the following error on our P.C.'s: -

                A General Script Error Occurred

                Error: Error deleting ../acatalog/212Z159Z84Z15A1055935819B30692.cart (No such file or directory).
                Press the Browser back button and try again or contact your ISP.

                When I go into the site directory using CuteFTP, I can see this filename with a .chk extension. Could someone point me in the right direction of what the problem is please?

                In addition to this, in "test" mode the HSBC system never did an address check on my "test" order. This could be why Mr V1nceG did not seem to know about the address checking feature. Could someone tell me if it is a setting up issue, or if the people who created this patch have simply missed this function?

                Many Thanks


                  Error: Error deleting ../acatalog/212Z159Z84Z15A1055935819B30692.cart (No such file or directory).
                  This error is traditionally associated with the Norton Internet Security issue. There is a knowledge base article about it HERE.

                  With regards to address checking, Actinic certainly has no address validation built in. The HSBC transaction system is a totally separate system, so you need to check with HSBC whether this is available in test mode, or whether it is something you need to have enabled on your account.


                    HSBC and Address Checking

                    Actinic only passes Addresses Across to HSBC if you configure it to work with Drop Down Address Fields.

                    (you cant have a free form text country entry as HSBC requires a country code to do the address matching)

                    This is configured by setting Tax and Shipping rules in business settings eg
                    You need to set advanced tax settings by invoice address and if you have a separate delivery address, you need to set shipping charges made and use "advanced"

                    You can then configure the drop downs with the countries you want to ship to and allow purchases from.

                    If you allow freeform country entry in the address field than actinic does not pass the address info to HSBC as it does not have a country code to pass across.
                    Josh Speed
                    Product Development




                      I am trying to link to HSBC and would appreciate some help.

                      I have today got through my Client ID, User ID, and have reset my password...

                      So, what settings do I need. I am currently testing and am not live.

                      Operation - ? (I assume Run in Test mode)

                      Transaction - ? (Do i want to pre authorise or charge immediately). For this, I want to take the money directly to avoid sorting the order then going back. I just want an order at the end of the day and see if this has been approved or not.

                      PSP Settings - ??????

                      Storefront ID - Is this my Client ID or User ID, or something else?

                      CPI Hash - what the fun is this.

                      I have accessed my account at

                      Appreciate any help on this. I am sure when you do it once it is so straight forward but...



                        Operation - ? (I assume Run in Test mode)
                        Yes. For now.

                        Transaction - ? (Do i want to pre authorise or charge immediately). For this, I want to take the money directly to avoid sorting the order then going back. I just want an order at the end of the day and see if this has been approved or not.
                        You want 'Charge transactions immediately'.

                        With regards to the other points, I have never set up HSBC before so I cannot advise. Those are the field labels we got from them, so they should be able to tell you what to do with them. I suggest you look up on their FAQ or give them a call to find out what you need to enter.



                          I have successfully integrated into HSBC and all is almost good.

                          I have carried out several test orders that are good, but when I specify a different invoice and delivery address, these do not get past to HSBC on their screens. On the hsbc site, it recognises that there are two seperate addresses, but does not populate them.

                          After I complete the order on their site and return to my receipt page, all the info is populated there. In addition, I am receiving a good order with all the customer details including both addresses in.

                          You may want to have a go, link to my store is

                          Appreciate any info.



                            The addresses are only displayed in HSBC if you are using location-based shipping or tax calculation (i.e. 'Advanced' rather than 'Simple'). HSBC needs a country code or else it does not include the addresses in the payment page.


                              Hi Chris

                              Sorry, I am a little confused. If the adress details appear if I select the one address, why would they not show using two addresses.

                              I have removed the drop down country menu on my site, and by default United Kingdom is displayed. THis appears in the top line on the HSBC site when you enter the card details. It says 'Please pay Fidelity DJ Location : United Kingdom'

                              I do have simple tax setting, but for shipping I have the calculation set as 'Total Quantity' and not simple and therefore meets the requirments.

                              If it did not work at all (ie for a single address and for two addresses,, I would be less confused. I would appreciate some further advice on this.

                              Cheers Chris

