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Help with email

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    Help with email

    I really struggle setting up email, I have three addresses all hosted through sellerdeck.
    I have the passwords and ports but whenever I setup a new PC it goes wrong!
    I end up too many tries and after three goes sellerdeck blocks me until I get them to unblock!
    The old outlook I have is a disc from 2007, thinking of going with
    Any advice or recommendations for a person or company to do the setup for me appreciated.

    Thanks and happy new year

    Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland

    I'm not sure I'm understanding the issue here.

    Is it that you can't send up the email accounts in Outlook, or getting them to work with SD?

    If the former, then there are plenty of better alternatives to Outlook - we use Postbox, Airmail and Thunderbird depending on the device. The latest Outlook is bundled with Microsoft 365 (was Office 365).

    If the latter, then you only have one email address in SD for receiving orders, I think.
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      Its settling up the client like outlook on a new PC, I'd love a Cloud solution so it becomes a simple login from any device rather than the painful setup of outlook on a PC.

      Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland


        I personally wouldn't go with a cloud solution for email. Have a look at
        Reusable Snore Earplugs : Sample Earplugs - Wax Earplugs - Women's Earplugs - Children's Earplugs - Music Earplugs - Sleep Masks


          Thank you does it require setup on each individual PC as in ports / passwords / smtp and so on?

          Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland


            WE use Sellerdeck to host our site and use one of our email addresses to send mail from within it. We use for all email, Calendars, CRM etc and have about 8 email addresses. We've used it for over 10 years, and it gets my vote. We can use our own laptop, any PC and our phones. The email addresses are hosted by Fasthosts and Hosting UK. Hope this helps.
            Jeff Nurse
            Managing Director

            Aerofoil Design
            Office Design & Furniture Solutions


              Thanks Jeff, talking to them tomorrow!

              Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland


                Originally posted by EdHarrison View Post
                Thank you does it require setup on each individual PC as in ports / passwords / smtp and so on?
                Yep, but it finds the ports etc for you.
                Reusable Snore Earplugs : Sample Earplugs - Wax Earplugs - Women's Earplugs - Children's Earplugs - Music Earplugs - Sleep Masks


                  It seems using a simple login via webmail may be all I need, this hopefully avoids the need to install complicated client software on individual machines.

                  Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland


                    I have been having some trouble for sometime now with the webmail service offered by our domain host.

                    The problem is that the mail filters have become ineffective at blocking spam emails received from our site email address that are increasing by the day.

                    I have made changes to ensure that our email address is not visible in plain text anywhere on the website to protect against it being parsed by email address harvester bots but they still keep coming.

                    Any suggestions to consider a secure email service provider that could provide an alternative email service to replace our site domain email addresses if this can be achieved would be appreciated.

                    I should like to retain our site email address if possible.


                      Jonathan did gmail for me with a method that retains your business email address, absolutely brilliant and accessible from any device.

                      Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland

