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Dreamweaver edits

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    Dreamweaver edits

    Hi there

    I have Catalogue and have been editing the code from within Actinic.

    Yesterday I uploaded my site so far and found that some pages were missing from the up load so.... this evening, using Dreamweaver, I did an ftp to my site so that I had all the files on the server on my local drive. The files that were missing, i copied into my local and then 'Put' them onto the server. I also tided up some links and all is looking good and it works so far.

    Question... now that i have the files on the server, how do i 'sync' with Actinic so that I can go back to edited the code from within Actinic. I am worried that if i refresh i will remove the new files i have added.

    Ok, i hold my hands up and say 'Yes, I should have checked before'.

    Thanks for info


    Oh OH.

    You are correct, the file will be overwritten.

    You need to edit in Actinic
    Owner of a broken heart


      I realised earlier that my site file in dreamweaver is stored elsewhere on my comp rather than in site1 in actinic, so...

      I copied the code that did work that i had done in DW into the Actinic code and this worked fine. They were brochure pages which i had built from Brochure_Primary and i had added an extention so i have not really effected the automatic functionality of the Actinic Code.

      As a none coder, I am pretty chuffed with fixing this. Now onto the next stage....


        Dreamweaver editing

        I can't seem to edit a full html page in dreamweaver and save it back to actinic. Can someone clue me in?


          You need to learn about the templates that Actinic uses to lay out its pages.

          You need to edit these templates, rather than trying to somehow put a finished external design into Actinic.

          The templates are all called Act_*.html and you can find them in your 'Site1' folder. The most important one is the 'Overall Layout' template (normally called 'Act_Primary') that controls all the branding and navigation that goes around the main bulk area.

          Check out the 'Designing with Actinic Developer' guide HERE.


            Thanks Chris. I read the guide but I'm still having trouble editing some details. I'd like to use my existing dreamweaver site as my brochure and use the Actinic site as my store. Linking to the store seems easy enough but the reverse link is not. How can I change the "Home" link button in the store to link to a different URL. I know that the variable is NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBHOME but I don't know how to edit it. Is this possible?


              I know that the variable is NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBHOME but I don't know how to edit it. Is this possible?
              The home link can be controlled in the 'Home Page Link' area in 'Design Options | Miscellaneous'.


                Excellent, thanks Chris. I made the change so the home link in my store takes me back to my dreamweaver site. It works in all areas of the store EXCEPT for the "view cart" area. Strangely, the home button on the view cart screen still takes me to the Actinic brochure home page. I've set the site up with the "futuristic" template and have not made any template changes. What can I do to fix this?


                  Strange. Try doing a refresh (Web | Refresh Website). Also, could you give me a URL to look at?


                    Chris, problem solved. I had an incorrect path from my cgi bin to my acatalog specified on the network configuration page.

