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checkout page query

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    checkout page query

    I have a problem on the checkout pages. When people pay by credit card such as visa or mastercard they are asked to enter an issue number - which only applies to switch cards. The software won't let them progress unless they put in an issue number and as they don't have one, they are aborting the purchase. How do I sort out this problem please?

    Make sure you have not ticked 'Issue Number' for all the credit cards in the grid you see when clicking the 'Configure Method' button in 'Business Settings | Payment and Security'.

    The requirement to enter an issue number should change depending on what credit card the customer has selected.

    If it is not, there is a problem with your site. Could you let us know a URL please.


      Thanks, that problem is sorted out now.

      I'm now getting the design of the site pretty much as I want it - is there any way to make the navigation buttons across the top of the page in clean sheet layout 3 bigger?


        is there any way to make the navigation buttons across the top of the page in clean sheet layout 3 bigger?
        You need to edit the HTML in Act_NavigationItem, Act_BrochureNavItem and Act_BrochureDisabledNavItem.

        Change the span 'class' values you see there to something like 'actxsmall' rather than 'actxxsmall'.


          I can see the files on my C drive, but how do I edit them?


            Usethe template manager within Actinic.

            ie go to Advanced Menu and Template Manager

            Use notepad as your editor


              thanks, I really appreciate your help with this. I'm using Clean Layout 3 - is there any way that I can edit it so that my search button and section list appears on the right hand side of the page, rather than the left? (I'm wanting to make the look of the background consistent with the Front Page part of my site, as much as is possible?


                Go to 'Design | Options | Layouts' and change your 'Default Overall Layout' field (at the top) to read 'Sidebar down the right hand side'.

                Make sure the same is set for the other 'page layout' fields at the top of the tab.

