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SSL connection works but 'cart is empty'

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    SSL connection works but 'cart is empty'

    I have my SSL and store on the same server, different URLs. In the Advanced Network Setup, 'Test' shows no problems, except for sometimes not approving of my email server.

    Initial test orders returned error messages for 'file not found' on the SSL site. I manually copied over all files that we're cited as not being found. I no longer got the 'file not found' errors, but would then get a 'Your shopping cart is empty' message (it isn't empty).

    Thinking I may still be missing some critical file, I removed all the files on the SSL site and made it a New Site (Developer version in use) using the same theme, but I still get the 'Your shopping cart is empty' message when I place test orders from the store site.

    Before adding SSL, encrypted test orders went thru ok.

    Any suggestions?

    Hi there.

    I presume that the secure and insecure acatalog folders are in different locations if you view the server via FTP. If this is the case, see if the host can create a symbolic link from the secure acatalog to the insecure.

    I hope this helps.



      I checked again the Actinic documents on this situation (same server, different FTP paths, and it doesn't mention the need for a symbolic link, and since the network 'test' found both locations shouldn't transfer between the locations work?

      In any case, it won't hurt to try a link, so I will. I'll post the results here afterward. Please check back.



        More detail than you probably want to know

        I'm still having trouble when test orders when I try to check out. Our SSL site (same server) always says the cart is emply. Here is the situation:

        Site Paths:
        SSL Paths:
        In ‘Advanced Network Setup’ here are current settings:

        ‘Standard’ tab

        Server Details:
        Catalog URL:
        CGI-BIN URL:
        Codebase: ./
        Path From CGI-BIN to acatalog Directory: ./acatalog/
        FTP Details:
        Server Host: ( also works)
        (Username & Passwork both work)
        Path to CGI-BIN: /usr/local/www/vhosts/
        Path from ... and Use Passive ... are both blank.
        Common Settings:
        CGI Script ID Number: 11 Extension: .pl
        Ignore Passive Transfer Errors is checked
        Web Site URL: [blank]
        Path to the Perl shell: /usr/bin/perl
        ‘SSL’ tab:
        Server Details:
        Catalog URL:
        CGI-BIN URL:
        Codebase: ./
        Path From CGI-BIN to acatalog Directory: ./acatalog/
        FTP Details:
        Server Host: ( also works)
        (Username & Passwork both work)
        Path to CGI-BIN: /usr/local/www/vhosts/
        Path from ... and Use Passive ... are both blank.
        Common Settings: see above.

        When doing a ‘Test’, the above settings work, except that my email server info is not accepted.

        Things I’ve Tried:
        It was suggested that I create a symbolic link from the secure acatalog to the insecure. I tried several variations.

        Within the secure /acatalog I created a link to the insecure thusly:
        ln -s /usr/local/www/vhosts/ acatalog
        I noticed no difference.

        In the secure cgi-bin (thinking it needed cart info from the insecure /acatalog, I made the following link:
        ln -s /usr/local/www/vhosts/ acatalog
        This resulted in a file not found error.

        I also tried putting symbolic links at the server root and citing them, but nothing I’ve tried lets the secure site see products in the cart.

        Please help. With this level of detail I’m hoping that someone will suggest an exact solution.


          ‘Standard’ tab

          Server Details:
          Catalog URL:
          CGI-BIN URL:
          Codebase: ./
          Path From CGI-BIN to acatalog Directory: ./acatalog/
          Are you using an IIS (Windows) server then? If not, I think this should be '../acatalog' - i.e. the path to take customers from your cgi-bin to your 'acatalog' folder.
          ‘SSL’ tab:
          Server Details:
          Catalog URL:
          CGI-BIN URL:
          Codebase: ./
          Path From CGI-BIN to acatalog Directory: ./acatalog/
          This path should take customers from your secure cgi-bin to your insecure 'acatalog' folder. As your secure cgi-bin and your insecure 'acatalog' folder are on the same server box, you could try a full path from the root of the server e.g. /usr/local/www/vhosts/

          Have you tried running the 'Web | Configure Web Site Details' wizard?

