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actinic 10 x

  • Error downloading orders since I upgraded to windows server 2008 R2

    Hi All

    I recently upgraded my dedicated windows 2003 server to Windows Server 2008 R2 and migrated all of my websites across.

    There are a number of big differences between IIS 6 and IIS 7.5, and configuring websites has become a little trickier, more so with Actinic it...
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  • JTCycles
    started a topic Adding pages to store information

    Adding pages to store information

    On our actinic website there is a section in the left sidebar that says 'store information', I do not know how to add pages to this. I would like to add pages such as 'about us', 'contact us', etc.. So I can get rid of the about us section at the very top of the homepage, so I can then add more marketing...
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