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country x

  • paul in london
    started a topic Shopping cart "Country" selector

    Shopping cart "Country" selector

    At the moment, the website I'm working on does not have a section to select country on the shopping cart, we only ship to the UK anyway, but after testing the site online it says that not all required fields have been filled out, and wants you to select country...

    Sooo, how do I add in...
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  • janimal
    started a topic Error modifying shipping Zone

    Error modifying shipping Zone

    Hi all,
    I need to create a shipping class for the USA which is currently defined in our Rest of the World Zone.

    So I have created a USA zone - hit apply
    Create the shipping class - hit apply

    However when I then try to remove USA from the ROW zone Actinic...
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    Last edited by janimal; 03-Dec-2010, 12:37 PM. Reason: typo