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fragments x

  • Buzby
    started a topic Limit on Fragments?

    Limit on Fragments?

    I am looking at setting up a gallery of rings that we have engraved for clients so that current clients can view, and choose what they like.

    This would be constantly added to as we engrave more & more.

    I am just trying to plan in my head if I should do this with hundreds...
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  • DavidAM
    started a topic Using Fragments within Product Pages

    Using Fragments within Product Pages

    I currently use fragments within sections and wonder if there is a way in which the same fragments could be used/displayed automatically within the product pages of the products that sit within that same section?
    Anyone have any ideas as I'm fresh out of them on this one!
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  • HeidiHi
    started a topic H1 Headings

    H1 Headings

    Hi guys,

    I'm using v10 with the Silver Theme template and I've recently realised that more than one H1 tag per page is not good. I've changed the 'Product Section' and 'Store Information' Heading so they are now H3. Now all my section pages have just one H1 tag which is what I want....
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