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Value of a website

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    Value of a website

    Hello there,

    How would one put a value on a website, purely on the website itself, not the profit generated by the business (even if very well profitable)

    Would it be for example:

    The price one would pay to have the website designed from scratch plus a number which would encompass Google PR and ranking for key words, incoming links, overall SEO, number of years the website has been trading, visits, number of products…

    I know this more an art than a science, but is there any well accepted guidance I could use to value

    Many thanks for your help,

    Men's Jewellery & Titanium Watches and Jewellery

    A website is worth what someone else is prepared to pay for it.

    I apologise for the glib answer but it is one of those pices of string questions.

    Selling a website has been discussed here before with things like turnover, profits etc coming into the equation


      Thanks, next time don't apologise but don't bother replying to my questions neither, i do not like your tone, cutting me short like that, maybe not technical enough for you so leave someone a bit more helpful. I have seen these threads, i was just fishing around if someone had a bit more specific info or experience.
      Men's Jewellery & Titanium Watches and Jewellery


        I am sorry you didn't like my response, but I felt it was an honest one as there is no real answer to the value of a site. The value is merely a agreed figure between the potential purchaser and the seller.

        I am sure others will also reply to this thread if they have something to say.



          any chance of an answer from me was blown by Nic's response to you. As you know, we as a community do not accept this sort of venting.

          If you had a specific question that you felt was not answered by previous posts, you should have asked that specific question. Unlike Jo, I do not expect you will receive any more responses.

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            Thanks, I tried to be more specific, this is why I said purely on the website itself. I could only find threads relating more to the financial side. It does not matter now.

            I do not expect any more responses but i just would like to say that some people seems to be spending their days on this forum replying to all they can and I noticed that sometime who ask the question is more important that what the question is.
            I just come here once a week to keep up to date with ecommerce issues, ask a question or answer one if I am confident it will help. It is not a way of life for me, sorry if I do not post more than 160 posts a month Bill and be part of your community.
            Aurevoir, Nicolas Mekchoudi
            Men's Jewellery & Titanium Watches and Jewellery


              Wow Nic,
              you sure know how to make friends and influence people, (not).

              Let's hope you never need any real help from the people that are the backbone of this very useful furum!


                Jo is right

                Websites are worth next to nothing really - its the business that worth the money.

                Gratitude and diplomacy are useful skills in business.

                Thats advice from someone who only posts a few times.
                Commercial Cleaning Cambridgeshire


                  I agree with Ian that websites themselves are worth very little unless you are selling the business that goes with it and it's a profitable one.

                  Jo's reply was also honest in it's response and I do not think in anyway she was being flippent.

                  I have not seen a thread like this before and Nick's response(s) are both agressive and totally unfair.

                  I hope you never need any help Nick because people like Jo, Jonty and Bill are geat contributors to this forum and without the likes of them many people would have packed their bags and given up by now.

                  Also can I point out people visit this forum not to just look for answers to problems but also to help people. They get NO financial reward for doing so and are giving their time freely to help people grow their business.

                  Good job am I not the moderator because someone would be banned by now


                    Originally posted by Carametis
                    I noticed that sometimes who asks the question is more important that what the question is.
                    Members have the right not to answer specific questions (or any questions at all) if previous correspondence has been inflammatory or insulting.... or more often the case they do not know or are not around to reply.

                    As in every other walk of life people who are kind, pleasant and appreciative will always receive the most help from others.... whether posting once a month or 160 a week
                    Last edited by jont; 25-Apr-2006, 11:10 AM. Reason: further added

                    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                      Originally posted by jont
                      people who are kind, pleasant and appreciative

                      Awww, thanks Jonty lad.
                      Football Heaven

                      For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                        Originally posted by george
                        Awww, thanks Jonty lad.
                        LOL .

                        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                          I think it fair to say that alot of posters have their specialities...

                          Norman tends to reply to JS
                          Jan tends to reply to reporting and database and so on...

                          but most of all it is up to the individual member to decide whether to reply or not, in spite of popular opinion we do have other lives


                            wtf? are you all on angry pills today?

                            Well, i'll answer it.

                            A site is worth literally nothing. the worth of the physical code underlying any site is nil, since i could easily take it, duplicate it and make no money.

                            the worth of a fine gem, for instance is in its resale value, and to a certain extent to its 'cool' factor. which does not neccesarily increase its selling potential.

                            A company with a fair reputation and good search engine standings, with good prices and good customer support, will always fair much better than a rival company, with the _exact_ same site.

                            as ms pinbrook says, a website is worth what you, as the owner of a website, are willing to pay.

                            I design sites for a lot of money. but for that, they expect all the rest of the package in there too. and i pick and choose those companies that *I* think will work.

                            i'd not put any value on your site listed at the first post, simply becasue its mostly 'shopping directory looking' and rather plain. Not withstanding the various rendering errors for various browsers that I'll not get into.

                            the site was generated by actinic also. and i'm not saying that actinic is a bad piece of software, but what i am saying is that generated code is nearly worthless without a good business to generate it, and someone that knows what they are doing.

                            Now, if your company is a respectable one, and you're not out to fight people on the board here, becasue they gave you a straightforward answer, then i'd say your site, is probably worth 'something'.

                            I'd pay about £500 for a site that looks like that.

                            Is that the answer you wanted?


                              Originally posted by gabrielcrowe
                              wtf? are you all on angry pills today?
                              Not angry, maybe just a little disappointed, and perhaps ever so slightly bemused!
                              Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!

