Hi, I could really do with your advice regarding protecting myself against credit card fraud. I have been creating my business over the last two years and invested, like yourselves, a huge amount of time and a fair amount of money. But I am on the verge of closing it down as I have totally had enough of being ripped off by fraudsters!
I now have to pre-authorise every transaction through the merchant account, which helps but I am not enjoying taking the orders anymore as I look at each one and think to myself, well, it looks legitimate...but is this going to cost me £X if I ship the goods??
I thought Paypal would be fairly secure, but I have just received a chargeback for that as well!
How the hell do you guys cope with this? It makes me really angry that we merchants are trying to create a legitimate business and some spotty git is out there trying to rip us off and we are basically alone and vulnerable.
So any tips or advice would be really appreciated as I am at my wits end here.
I now have to pre-authorise every transaction through the merchant account, which helps but I am not enjoying taking the orders anymore as I look at each one and think to myself, well, it looks legitimate...but is this going to cost me £X if I ship the goods??
I thought Paypal would be fairly secure, but I have just received a chargeback for that as well!
How the hell do you guys cope with this? It makes me really angry that we merchants are trying to create a legitimate business and some spotty git is out there trying to rip us off and we are basically alone and vulnerable.
So any tips or advice would be really appreciated as I am at my wits end here.