PMT. Its just wrong. Why should us males have to put up with crap cos the fair sex cannot handle a wee bit of uncomfort. (no further dialog on this can be entered into thank you very much)
1 Actinic still closing down when switching between sites.
2 Fans in PCs and Routers.
3 Two weekly rubbish collections.
4 Call centres especially BT fault reporting.
5 Banks saying ‘there is another way’
5a Rip-off bank charges
you just wanted to have a moan about those lazy buggers.
Actually, we have a written rule in the building that smokers MUST smoke only in the designated area which is at the rear of the they are being lazy and yes, I wanted to moan about it
Originally posted by pnagames
you could always open the window and tell them to f*** off.
Have no fear, I did
Originally posted by pnagames
so we have a case of the lazy calling the lazy lazy
1. Actinic (another vote) - get rid of totally carp handling of VAT which doesn't work on ANY level for retail sites.
2. SPAM (including unsolicited SPAM telephone calls/faxes).
3. Large companies/banks/supermarkets etc "pretending" to be good neighbours/customer orientated/concerned about small business when they are so clearly a wolf in sheep's clothing.
4. Government ministers/local councillors who have no first hand experience of what they will be "governing" - reasons pretty obvious.
5. Reality TV (another vote) - makes you want to give up all hope for the future of the human race.
5a. Men who complain about PMT without realising that the vast majority of men are Victor Meldrews ALL the time (intensifying with each passing year)
Could go on (I think it was pointed out that a limit of 5 on matters of such importance was something that should also go) but I've probably got to run and duck for cover on point 5a
Darren, Have you noticed a downturn in speeds since Virgin media took over.. I was a very happy telewest customer since its been virgin the service is rubbish, to the extent I'm considering moving - but i prefer cable to BT - who else is there
I'm on their 4MB service and get 500kb no problems. I'm contemplating the new 20MB service, although i seem unable to find an answer on whether a wireless network can manage such speed, so holding back at the moment.
Darren, Have you noticed a downturn in speeds since Virgin media took over.. I was a very happy telewest customer since its been virgin the service is rubbish, to the extent I'm considering moving - but i prefer cable to BT - who else is there
Hi Jo
I have noticed this definitely since the start of May (even allowing for the contention rate)
We have the xl 10mb (rolling up 20mb this month..alledgely) and we keep a constant eye on the performance and have found that in April we averaged 3.96mb, May 4.75mb and so far this month we are back up to 9.65mb so it is going up but even so....
When we relocate to our offices in the autumn we will be looking into getting a T1 connection, as for suppliers, the hunt continues. Would not return to BT even if they charged me £0.00 per month!
Originally posted by leehack
I'm on their 4MB service and get 500kb no problems. I'm contemplating the new 20MB service, although i seem unable to find an answer on whether a wireless network can manage such speed, so holding back at the moment.
Agreed lee, but we will be receiving 20mb download this month and I would very much like to see a 10% upload comparison (2mb).
We ftp some huge data files and it can be very painful watching these upload at times
We get some good speeds on the WLN in comparison, with around a 20% drop compared to the ethernet connection. Interesting to watch when we hit 20mb tho....
Can I add an extra vote to reality TV too pleeeeeease. Makes me wanna watch Emmerdale instead!