Looks great. I presume the standard search is incorporated when JS is not available to the client (I've not checked so don't know).
Whats the performance like on large sites? I've got a site with 2000+ products - would it be suitable do you think?
the data comes from a mysql database, you could have a million products and it'd not matter.
no, it'll not work at all, you'll get no pretty slidey things, and it will degrade nicely. when the user types and presses enter, they will be redirected to the normal boring search.
Very slick addition indeed. Only issue I see using IE7 is the £ sign. On the 'Special Low Price' line (search for heelys) the £ sign is shown as a typical square block. Character encoding issue perhaps?
At least I now know the technical term for "those shoes the little bastards in the supermarket wear"
The ActSQL catalogue is getting better and better - some days I want to integrate it but other days, I feel it's just another installation to kill off the current database, as soon as I get the Actinic issues resolved, line me up for this
FF2 clicking "more results" loads the default Actinic search results but with no CSS formatting.
this only happens becaue the search did not originate on an acatalog page. it comes from my sandbox. after i impliment a real catalog test, it should work.