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Slow performance when navigating content tree or adding sections

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    Slow performance when navigating content tree or adding sections

    If you have between 500 and 5000 products you may find that navigating the content tree and adding sections, products etc. is slow.
    The performance can be improved by reducing the product cache size to a lower value.

    The Product Cache size is stored in the field 'sData' within the database so to change the cache size, the workaround is as follows:-

    Close your SellerDeck (Actinic) software.

    Copy the following code into a blank notepad file, save it with the file extension of ".vbs" :-
    'This script will allow user to edit the sDate field as described here:
    '@author    Fergus Weir - teclan
    '@date    06/04/09
    '@version    1.0
    siteFolder = pickFolder("C:\")
    mydb = siteFolder + "\ActinicCatalog.mdb"
    sData = 2048
    nCount = 0
    'create ADO objects
    Set OBJdbConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set objCommand = CreateObJect("ADODB.Command")
    'Open db Connection
    OBJdbConnection.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & mydb
    'Alert user to current sData Value
    set rsData = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") "SELECT sData FROM setupInfo WHERE nID = 365",OBJdbConnection,1,1
    If NOT rsData.EOF then
        sCurrentData = rsData("sData")
    End If
    sData = InputBox("Your current sData value is: " & sCurrentData &  vbcrlf & "Please enter the new value for the sData field: Default is 2048")
    strSQL ="UPDATE setupInfo SET sData= " & sData  & " WHERE nID = 365"
    'Execute update
    objCommand.CommandText = strSQL
    objCommand.ActiveConnection = OBJdbConnection
    MsgBox ("The sData field has been reset to " & sData)
    Function pickFolder(strStartDir)
        Dim SA, F
        Set SA = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
        Set F = SA.BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose the folder that contains the Actinic database you wish to work on.", 0, strStartDir)
        If (Not F Is Nothing) Then
              PickFolder = F.Items.Item.path
        End If
        Set F = Nothing
        Set SA = Nothing
    End Function

    then simply double click on the file.
    It firsts prompts you to select your "Site" folder containing the database you want to change, it then prompts you for the new value for the 'sData' field.

    The value of 'sData' by default is 2048
    Change the value of 'sData' to be 10% of the number of products in the site i.e. if you have 2000 products (including duplicates) then set 'sData' to 200.

    Once this has completed, open your Actinic (now SellerDeck) software.

    In general the smaller the value of 'sData' the faster the content navigation and editing should be, however this will be at the expense of other processes that require fast access to a lot of products such as Preview and Upload. If you find these areas have become slower after reducing sData then increase sData in 10% steps until both areas are acceptable.

    Naturally we cannot guarantee that this will improve performance for everybody as there may be other factors.

    PLEASE NOTE: Be aware this only applies to v9 and earlier, additionally ensure you have backed up the site prior to running the file.

    Many thanks to Fergus Weir of Teclan for creating the VB script.