This procedure shows you how to change where an SellerDeck site looks for the machine running the sync server from within the SellerDeck database using Microsoft Access*.
* Microsoft Access is supplied as part of the 'Microsoft Office Professional' program suite, it is not supplied by SellerDeck.
** Depending on the installation option chosen or operating system used, the 'Site' folder can be found in either 'My Documents', 'Documents', 'Shared Documents', 'Public Documents'or 'Program Files' in the folder 'Actinic vX\Sites\' (with X replacing the version number).
Note: Versions after v11.03 will have a folder name of 'SellerDeck xxxx' where 'xxxx' is the version number.
- Browse to your Site** folder (If there is only one site within the software it will be called 'Site1', if there are multiple sites within the software you will need to browse to the site folder name corresponding to the current site you are using)
- Look for a file called “ActinicCatalog.mdb”
- Right click on 'ActinicCatalog.mdb', and select 'Open with | Microsoft Office Access'
- You will then a list of tables
- Click on the table called “SetupInfo”
- Scroll down to row 247 which will be the record for the “sSynchronizationServerURL”
- In the “sData” column you will just need to change to the new machine's IP address or computer name.
- Close Microsoft Access.
* Microsoft Access is supplied as part of the 'Microsoft Office Professional' program suite, it is not supplied by SellerDeck.
** Depending on the installation option chosen or operating system used, the 'Site' folder can be found in either 'My Documents', 'Documents', 'Shared Documents', 'Public Documents'or 'Program Files' in the folder 'Actinic vX\Sites\' (with X replacing the version number).
Note: Versions after v11.03 will have a folder name of 'SellerDeck xxxx' where 'xxxx' is the version number.