It is possible to import stock levels for product in bulk, into the software. The simplest way of doing this is to first export a hierarchical comma separated file (CSV) of the contents of the software, edit this in a suitable program (such as 'Microsoft Excel') and import the amended file into the software.
To do this in your Sellerdeck software, go to 'File | Export' and click 'Next' on the first screen that appears. In the second screen, remove the tick from the box 'Export Explicit UDP Values' and in the 'File Name' box browse to a suitable storage location and give the file a name, see the image below: -

Click the button 'Finish' and the software will generate a CSV file with all of the sections and products.
Open this CSV file in your CSV file editor and you will see a page similar to the one in the image below: -

Starting from the top, remove all of the lines from the file beginning 'Header:', except from the one that says 'Header:Product'.
Then below that, remove all of the lines that begin with anything other than 'Product'. It should then look similar to the image below: -

The next step is to delete most of these columns, keeping only the 'Product', 'Product Reference', 'Short Description', 'Stock Checks Enabled' and 'Stock in Hand' columns, so that the file looks something like this: -

Then for each product, you can then edit the 'Stock in Hand' column to whatever the number of items that you want, and in the 'Stock Checks Enabled' column you can enter either '1' for monitored or '0' for not monitored.
Once complete, save the file.
Return to your Sellerdeck software, and make a backup snapshot of the site, this is essential as if there has been a mistake in the edited file, the site could be damaged.
Then go to 'File | Import' and select 'Hierarchical Import' on the first screen and click 'Next'.
In the second screen, ensure that 'Update' is selected and then browse to wherever you have stored your edited CSV file and select it, as in the image below: -

and click 'Next' through every subsequent screen, and on the final screen select 'Finish' to complete the import of the file.
All of the products edited in the file will now have their stock updated to the new values.
NOTE: If you control stock within permutations of a product, then you will need additional, similar changes. If the permutation refers to an associated hidden product, then the changes above will suffice, however if there is no associated product and the stock is handled by the permutation alone, then it may be safer to edit the fields 'Stock In Hand' and 'Stock Controlled' in the complete exported file and not use the instructions above.
To do this in your Sellerdeck software, go to 'File | Export' and click 'Next' on the first screen that appears. In the second screen, remove the tick from the box 'Export Explicit UDP Values' and in the 'File Name' box browse to a suitable storage location and give the file a name, see the image below: -
Click the button 'Finish' and the software will generate a CSV file with all of the sections and products.
Open this CSV file in your CSV file editor and you will see a page similar to the one in the image below: -
Starting from the top, remove all of the lines from the file beginning 'Header:', except from the one that says 'Header:Product'.
Then below that, remove all of the lines that begin with anything other than 'Product'. It should then look similar to the image below: -
The next step is to delete most of these columns, keeping only the 'Product', 'Product Reference', 'Short Description', 'Stock Checks Enabled' and 'Stock in Hand' columns, so that the file looks something like this: -
Then for each product, you can then edit the 'Stock in Hand' column to whatever the number of items that you want, and in the 'Stock Checks Enabled' column you can enter either '1' for monitored or '0' for not monitored.
Once complete, save the file.
Return to your Sellerdeck software, and make a backup snapshot of the site, this is essential as if there has been a mistake in the edited file, the site could be damaged.
Then go to 'File | Import' and select 'Hierarchical Import' on the first screen and click 'Next'.
In the second screen, ensure that 'Update' is selected and then browse to wherever you have stored your edited CSV file and select it, as in the image below: -
and click 'Next' through every subsequent screen, and on the final screen select 'Finish' to complete the import of the file.
All of the products edited in the file will now have their stock updated to the new values.
NOTE: If you control stock within permutations of a product, then you will need additional, similar changes. If the permutation refers to an associated hidden product, then the changes above will suffice, however if there is no associated product and the stock is handled by the permutation alone, then it may be safer to edit the fields 'Stock In Hand' and 'Stock Controlled' in the complete exported file and not use the instructions above.