Sellerdeck Desktop allows you to create regions within each country, which can be used to charge different shipping rates for different areas.
However, this relies on the customer selecting the correct region in the checkout so that the appropriate shipping options are offered. Sometimes customers may select the wrong region, either in error or deliberately, and this may result in undercharging for delivery to their location.
The Shipping by Postcode Extension enables you to force each order into the correct region on the basis of the recipient’s postcode, so that the correct delivery options are offered and the correct charges applied.
If you already have States/ Provinces and Shipping Zones set up, you can go straight to the ‘Configuration’ section below. If not, see the following worked example to understand the method, or refer to the ‘Shipping Charges’ section of the Sellerdeck Desktop main help.
For example to create a unique charging structure for the the Isle of Wight, for example, you begin as follows:

If you prefer, you can use Counties or Administrative Areas for the States/Provinces and assign multiple entries to a Shipping Zone.
Once you have set up your States/Provinces, shipping Zones and charges, you are ready to configure the extension.
Postcode Configuration
To enable the extension and define postcode ranges for each region, select ‘Shipping By Postcode’ from the ‘Extensions’ submenu of the ‘Settings’ menu. This will open the extension’s Configuration dialog.
Click ‘Enable Shipping By Postcode’ to enable the extension, then select a country that you want to define postcodes for. You can set up postcodes for any country or countries that have States/Provinces defined in the Locations dialog.

Now select the Default State/Province. This is the region that orders will be assigned to if the postcode does not match any that are specifically defined. In the example above, ‘UK Mainland’ would be the Default.
Finally, you need to define the postcode range or ranges for each region. For example, Isle of Wight postcodes are in the range PO31 to PO41. So if you have defined the Isle of Wight as a region, you would select ‘PO’ as the Prefix; ‘31’ as the Start of Range; ‘41’ as the End of Range, and ‘Isle of Wight’ as the State/Province. The Prefix is required, and Start of Range and End of Range must be numerical values.
NB 'Start of range' and 'End of range' for each entry must contain the same number of digits. For example, to define a range TW1 to TW12 you would need two separate entries: one for TW1 to TW9, and another for TW10 to TW12.
Click the green ‘+’ again to save the mapping, or the red ‘x’ to delete it.

Use the green ‘+’ if you want to add another postcode range. You can create multiple entries for a State/Province if needed.
Once you have finished setting up your postcode definitions, click ‘OK’. Then upload your site and test a few postcodes in the checkout to make sure all is working correctly.
Postcode Lookup
Shipping by Postcode is most effective when used in combination with a postcode lookup service.
Introduced in v18.2.3, the Fetchify service integrates directly into Sellerdeck Deshtop. You can sign up for Fetchify within Sellerdeck Desktop or here:
Prior to v18.2.3, the service used if 'Loqate'. You can sign up for Loquate here:
Enter your Fetchify or Loqate details into 'Business Settings | Address Lookup', or contact Sellerdeck for information on integrating the latest real-time lookup service.
© Sellerdeck 2017 All Rights Reserved.
Sellerdeck Desktop allows you to create regions within each country, which can be used to charge different shipping rates for different areas.
However, this relies on the customer selecting the correct region in the checkout so that the appropriate shipping options are offered. Sometimes customers may select the wrong region, either in error or deliberately, and this may result in undercharging for delivery to their location.
The Shipping by Postcode Extension enables you to force each order into the correct region on the basis of the recipient’s postcode, so that the correct delivery options are offered and the correct charges applied.
If you already have States/ Provinces and Shipping Zones set up, you can go straight to the ‘Configuration’ section below. If not, see the following worked example to understand the method, or refer to the ‘Shipping Charges’ section of the Sellerdeck Desktop main help.
For example to create a unique charging structure for the the Isle of Wight, for example, you begin as follows:
1. Select the ‘Locations’ option from the Sellerdeck ‘Settings’ menu to open the ‘Locations’ dialog.
2. Select 'United Kingdom', or whichever country you want to modify.
3. You must add an entry to the ‘States/Provinces’ table for each region that requires a different charging structure for shipping. Each region must have an abbreviation - it's advisable to use three letters to avoid accidental conflicts with the two-letter country codes.
4. For example, to set up different shipping charges for the Isle of Wight, first add a zone ‘UK Mainland’ for mainland deliveries, using the abbreviation ‘UKM’. Then add ‘Isle of Wight’, with the abbreviation ‘IOW’, plus any other shipping regions you need to define, and click ‘OK.
2. Select 'United Kingdom', or whichever country you want to modify.
3. You must add an entry to the ‘States/Provinces’ table for each region that requires a different charging structure for shipping. Each region must have an abbreviation - it's advisable to use three letters to avoid accidental conflicts with the two-letter country codes.
4. For example, to set up different shipping charges for the Isle of Wight, first add a zone ‘UK Mainland’ for mainland deliveries, using the abbreviation ‘UKM’. Then add ‘Isle of Wight’, with the abbreviation ‘IOW’, plus any other shipping regions you need to define, and click ‘OK.
5. Go to ‘Business Settings’ and find the ‘Zone/Class Tables’ sub-tab of the ‘Shipping and Handling’ tab.
6. Right-click the ‘UK’ Zone, or whatever is your equivalent, and select ‘Properties’.
7. Change the name of the Zone to 'UK Mainland'
8. In the country list, scroll down to ‘United Kingdom’ and expand it.
9. Click ‘UK Mainland’, then click the left arrow button to add it to the list of Members for the Zone.
6. Right-click the ‘UK’ Zone, or whatever is your equivalent, and select ‘Properties’.
7. Change the name of the Zone to 'UK Mainland'
8. In the country list, scroll down to ‘United Kingdom’ and expand it.
9. Click ‘UK Mainland’, then click the left arrow button to add it to the list of Members for the Zone.
10 .Click ‘OK’, then right-click in ‘Zone/Class Configuration’ and select ‘New Zone’.
11. Give the new Zone the name ‘Isle of Wight’
12. In the country list, scroll down to ‘United Kingdom’ and expand it.
13. Click ‘Isle of Wight’, then click the left arrow button to add it to the list of Members for the Zone.
14. Click ‘OK’ and add the shipping methods and price structure for the Zone.
11. Give the new Zone the name ‘Isle of Wight’
12. In the country list, scroll down to ‘United Kingdom’ and expand it.
13. Click ‘Isle of Wight’, then click the left arrow button to add it to the list of Members for the Zone.
14. Click ‘OK’ and add the shipping methods and price structure for the Zone.
If you prefer, you can use Counties or Administrative Areas for the States/Provinces and assign multiple entries to a Shipping Zone.
Once you have set up your States/Provinces, shipping Zones and charges, you are ready to configure the extension.
Postcode Configuration
To enable the extension and define postcode ranges for each region, select ‘Shipping By Postcode’ from the ‘Extensions’ submenu of the ‘Settings’ menu. This will open the extension’s Configuration dialog.
Click ‘Enable Shipping By Postcode’ to enable the extension, then select a country that you want to define postcodes for. You can set up postcodes for any country or countries that have States/Provinces defined in the Locations dialog.
Now select the Default State/Province. This is the region that orders will be assigned to if the postcode does not match any that are specifically defined. In the example above, ‘UK Mainland’ would be the Default.
Finally, you need to define the postcode range or ranges for each region. For example, Isle of Wight postcodes are in the range PO31 to PO41. So if you have defined the Isle of Wight as a region, you would select ‘PO’ as the Prefix; ‘31’ as the Start of Range; ‘41’ as the End of Range, and ‘Isle of Wight’ as the State/Province. The Prefix is required, and Start of Range and End of Range must be numerical values.
NB 'Start of range' and 'End of range' for each entry must contain the same number of digits. For example, to define a range TW1 to TW12 you would need two separate entries: one for TW1 to TW9, and another for TW10 to TW12.
Click the green ‘+’ again to save the mapping, or the red ‘x’ to delete it.
Use the green ‘+’ if you want to add another postcode range. You can create multiple entries for a State/Province if needed.
Once you have finished setting up your postcode definitions, click ‘OK’. Then upload your site and test a few postcodes in the checkout to make sure all is working correctly.
Postcode Lookup
Shipping by Postcode is most effective when used in combination with a postcode lookup service.
Introduced in v18.2.3, the Fetchify service integrates directly into Sellerdeck Deshtop. You can sign up for Fetchify within Sellerdeck Desktop or here:
Prior to v18.2.3, the service used if 'Loqate'. You can sign up for Loquate here:
Enter your Fetchify or Loqate details into 'Business Settings | Address Lookup', or contact Sellerdeck for information on integrating the latest real-time lookup service.
© Sellerdeck 2017 All Rights Reserved.