To help prevent bots spamming the merchant, we have implemented Recaptcha on the Contact Us page.
If reCAPTCHA is enabled, the customer must enter the text displayed before the email can be sent. The customer can also use the audio option if they are partially sighted.
reCAPTCHA is enabled by default, for new and upgraded sites.
reCAPTCHA is configured from ‘Settings | Site Options | Properties’. From here the merchant can decide whether to activate it or not. They can also choose from a few reCAPTCHA themes.
We also provide merchants with the ability to enter their own reCAPTCHA keys if they have registered with them. If not, they can use the keys which are provided by default.
NOTE: You cannot edit an existing key to create a new key.
The reCAPTCHA layout can use any of four standard themes, which are selected in the Properties panel of the Site Options:
To help prevent bots spamming the merchant, we have implemented Recaptcha on the Contact Us page.
If reCAPTCHA is enabled, the customer must enter the text displayed before the email can be sent. The customer can also use the audio option if they are partially sighted.
reCAPTCHA is enabled by default, for new and upgraded sites.
reCAPTCHA is configured from ‘Settings | Site Options | Properties’. From here the merchant can decide whether to activate it or not. They can also choose from a few reCAPTCHA themes.
We also provide merchants with the ability to enter their own reCAPTCHA keys if they have registered with them. If not, they can use the keys which are provided by default.
NOTE: You cannot edit an existing key to create a new key.
The reCAPTCHA layout can use any of four standard themes, which are selected in the Properties panel of the Site Options: