There may be occasions when you need to stop customers from placing orders on your web site.
To do this: -
- to - 
Once you have done this it may be prudent to preview some of your product pages to check that these pages look as you would wish them to, and send out a good message to your customers.
Additionally at this point. it may be worth adding a 'Fragment' to the home page to give a message to your customers explaining the reason that ordering has been suspended. Details of creating fragments can be found within the software's help files under 'Help | Help Topics | Contents | Brochure Pages & Fragments | Creating A Fragment'.
Once you are happy with the changes you have made, publish the changes to the Web.
This will stop anyone from ordering anything off of the site for whatever period you wish. This will replace all your 'Add to Cart' buttons with a message saying 'CATALOG SUSPENDED'.
Note: You can edit the text of the 'CATALOG SUSPENDED' message in 'Design | Text | Website (cont) | General Information' or click the 'Go to' button and enter a 'Phase' of -1 and an 'ID' of 335, this will then take you directly to the message prompt concerned. It can then be changed in the 'Current Value' field before clicking 'OK'.
Download Orders, leave your site a further 15 minutes and download orders again (this is to make sure you have downloaded all orders and payments).
When you wish to bring ordering back online, simply go to 'Settings | Business Settings | Ordering' and change 'Suspended' to 'Allowed' and click 'OK', then upload the site.
To do this: -
- Open your SellerDeck ecommerce software.
- Open the site (or each site in turn, if you have more than one)
- Go to 'Settings | Business Settings | Ordering' and change 'Allowed' to 'Suspended'.
Once you have done this it may be prudent to preview some of your product pages to check that these pages look as you would wish them to, and send out a good message to your customers.
Additionally at this point. it may be worth adding a 'Fragment' to the home page to give a message to your customers explaining the reason that ordering has been suspended. Details of creating fragments can be found within the software's help files under 'Help | Help Topics | Contents | Brochure Pages & Fragments | Creating A Fragment'.
Once you are happy with the changes you have made, publish the changes to the Web.
This will stop anyone from ordering anything off of the site for whatever period you wish. This will replace all your 'Add to Cart' buttons with a message saying 'CATALOG SUSPENDED'.
Note: You can edit the text of the 'CATALOG SUSPENDED' message in 'Design | Text | Website (cont) | General Information' or click the 'Go to' button and enter a 'Phase' of -1 and an 'ID' of 335, this will then take you directly to the message prompt concerned. It can then be changed in the 'Current Value' field before clicking 'OK'.
Download Orders, leave your site a further 15 minutes and download orders again (this is to make sure you have downloaded all orders and payments).
When you wish to bring ordering back online, simply go to 'Settings | Business Settings | Ordering' and change 'Suspended' to 'Allowed' and click 'OK', then upload the site.