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I would like the customer to be sent directly to his account page, after logging in.

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    I would like the customer to be sent directly to his account page, after logging in.

    It is possible to send a customer straight to the 'My Account' page directly after logging in, however it will require editing one of the Perl scripts used by the software.

    To do this you will need to go to your site folder* and locate the file: -

    Open this file in a plain text editor such as 'Notepad' and search for the code: -


    scroll down a few lines and replace the line: -

    $::g_sContentUrl, $::g_pSetupBlob, $::g_sAccountScript . $sParams, \%::g_InputHash);
    with: -

    $::g_sContentUrl, $::g_pSetupBlob, $::g_sMyAccountScript . $sParams ."&ACTION=SHOWACCOUNT", \%::g_InputHash);
    Scroll down a bit further until you find the following: -

    # Print the product page directy, if the product is visible for the user
    # Print bounce page otherwise
    Immediately before this insert: -

    if (($$::g_pSetupBlob{SSL_USEAGE} != 1) &&	# if SplitSSL is set
    		($::g_bJustAfterLogin == $::TRUE))			# and we have just logged in
    		my @Response = ACTINIC::BounceToPagePlain(0, undef, undef, $::g_sWebSiteUrl,
    			$::g_sContentUrl, $::g_pSetupBlob, $::g_sMyAccountScript ."?ACTION=SHOWACCOUNT", \%::g_InputHash);
    		if ($Response[0] != $::SUCCESS)
    			ACTINIC::ReportError($Response[1], ACTINIC::GetPath());
    		my $sHTML = $Response[2];
    		my $sCartCookie = ActinicOrder::GenerateCartCookie();
    		ACTINIC::SaveSessionAndPrintPage($sHTML, $::Session->GetSessionID(), $::TRUE, "", $::TRUE, $sCartCookie);
    Save the file, close your text editor and upload the site for the changes to take effect.

    *If there is only one site within the software it will be called 'Site1', if there are multiple sites within the software you will need to browse to the site folder name corresponding to the current site you are using.
    Depending on the installation option chosen or operating system used, the 'Site' folder can be found in either 'My Documents', 'Documents', 'Shared Documents' or 'Program Files' in the folder 'Actinic vX\Sites\' (with X replacing the version number).
    Note: Versions after v11.03 will have a folder name of 'SellerDeck xxxx' where 'xxxx' is the version number.

    PLEASE NOTE: SellerDeck is not able to provide any detailed support for script changes made. If you find that there is a problem, an original copy of the script can be found within the 'Original' folder in your installation. Copy this into your site folder.

    This article is intended for use with SellerDeck v11 software and later.