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Using SagePay with SellerDeck v10

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    Using SagePay with SellerDeck v10

    SellerDeck version 10 supports the new v2.23 protocol of SagePay. This new protocol requires that countries in addresses are identified by a 2 letter code rather than by name. This is accomplished within SellerDeck by only allowing shoppers to select a country from a drop-down list in your store.
    As a result, the following limitations apply to SellerDeck v10 stores that use SagePay:
    1. If you are using Advanced Tax, check the following:

      i. Select ‘Business Settings’ from the SellerDeck ‘Settings’ menu
      ii. Select the ‘Tax’ tab
      iii. Select the Tax Zone ‘No Tax Levied’
      iv. Make sure the box ”Do not allow ‘None of the Above’ as a zone member” is ticked. SagePay v2.23 does not support that option.

    2. If you have Advanced Shipping, you cannot use a default shipping charge for countries that are not included in a shipping zone.

    3. If you have different shipping zones for different regions of the UK, eg England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, you must set these up as States not Countries, or SagePay will not recognise them.

    4. You cannot use States for countries other than the UK and the USA. In SellerDeck version 10.0.2, this restriction will be eased to allow countries to have states, although only US states will be displayed in the addresses on the SagePay web site.