When you want to change the payment method for a particular customer account you would normally go to the account in question and select another provider in the field 'Payment Method' on the 'Account' tab. This is fine when there are a small number of customer accounts on the system, but becomes time consuming if there are a large number of such accounts.
This is exacerbated when the payment method is no longer available, and you wish to remove the payment method from the ‘Payment Methods’ grid within ‘Settings | Business Settings | Payment and Security’ as the software will not allow you to remove a payment method that is still selected in a customer account.
There is however a way of doing this more quickly by exporting the customer accounts as a comma separated file, opening the file in a spreadsheet program such as ‘Microsoft Excel’, changing the payment method IDs for the payment method you wish to use, and re-importing the file.
In the example shown below, we will be using Microsoft Excel and will be changing the ID for the payment method 'PayPal' with the payment method 'Sellerdeck Pay'.
NOTE: Prior to commencing this procedure you must ensure the following: -
If the replacement payment method is not enabled within 'Payment Methods' grid, then the old method will be removed, but not be replaced with anything causing problems when a customer tries to order.: -

Firstly, before doing anything else go to 'File | Snapshot | Export Site' and make a backup snapshot of your entire site, which will recover the site as it is now if anything goes wrong.
Once you have done this, in your Sellerdeck software you need to go to ‘File | Export’ then in the screen that opens click the ‘Next’ button.
On the second screen tick the box ‘Customer Accounts’ and remove the ticks from all other boxes so it looks like the image below: -

Click 'Next' and enter a name for the file into the 'File Name' field, leave all of the settings as they are and click 'Finish', then click 'OK' in the 'Export Complete' message box.
Open the file you have exported in your spreadsheet program (in this example Microsoft Excel is being used) and you will see at the top line a series of field titles. In the first column you will see 'Header:Customer', look along the line until you see 'Payment Method', see image below: -

Above the field 'Payment Method' you will see a letter in the column header that corresponds to the column, in the example shown here it is column F, click on the column header, and this will highlight the entire column. This means that we can search for a particular item and replace it with a new item using the program's 'Find and Replace' function.
On the 'Home' screen, click the 'Find & Select' button as shown in the image below: -

You will see a box similar to the one here: -

In the 'Find what' field enter the ID of the payment method you wish to change (in this example 'PayPal'), the ID for PayPal is 500, then in the 'Replace with' field we enter the ID of the payment method to replace it (in this example 'Sellerdeck Pay'), the ID for which is 200 and click the 'Replace All' button.
The search will then find every instance of '500' in that column and replace it with '200', a message will be displayed showing the number of substitutions made, click 'OK' to that and go to 'File | Save' to save the file.
Once this has been done, return to your Sellerdeck software and go to 'File | Import', in the screen that opens ensure that 'Hierarchical Import' is selected and click 'Next'.
In the second 'File to import' screen, make sure that 'Update'option is selected and click the 'Browse' button to wherever you have stored the file that you have edited in your spreadsheet program and select it.
Then click the 'Next' button until you reach the 'Error Reporting' screen and tick the box 'Make a List of Lines that Fail to Import?', enter a name in the 'Save List in File' field (e.g. 'ImportFail.txt' - this will enable you to trace errors once the procedure is complete) and click the button 'Finish', you will receive a message regarding currency format, click 'Yes' to this and the import will complete.
Look through your customer accounts to check the payment method field is correct, then upload the site for the changes to take place online.
NOTE: The spreadsheet program that you choose to edit the file exported from the software, must be capable of opening, editing and saving comma separated files (.csv).
The ID numbers for the currently supported payment methods are below: -
Amazon Pay: 800
Opayo (Sage Pay): 22
PayPal: 500
PayPal (Cards): 501
SellerdeckPay by ClearAccept: 200
SellerDeck Payments Ecommerce: 950
Sellerdeck Payments by Opayo: 400
You will find a full list of payment methods and their IDs under the heading '[OCC-ID]' in the file: -
In the following locations on your machine: -
Version 18
C:\Program Files (x86)\Sellerdeck\Sellerdeck v18\OCCUpgrade
Version 16
C:\Program Files (x86)\Sellerdeck\SellerDeck 2016\OCCUpgrade
SQL Method
There is another method available to users, which is to run the following SQL query directly on the software's database.
NOTE: This is an advanced procedure, do not attempt to do this unless you are familiar and confident with running SQL queries. Additionally before running this procedure it is essential that you have taken backups of the database and have a backup snapshot of the web site.
As in the example above, the following SQL changes provider 500 to 200, adjust these as required for your preferred provider.
This works for both Access and MS SQL, note however with the latter the appropriate database must be the current database, otherwise the full database id is required.
Close all Sellerdeck software and run the following SQL query on the database: -
Start the software and check your customer accounts, then once satisfied upload the site for the changes to appear online.
This is exacerbated when the payment method is no longer available, and you wish to remove the payment method from the ‘Payment Methods’ grid within ‘Settings | Business Settings | Payment and Security’ as the software will not allow you to remove a payment method that is still selected in a customer account.
There is however a way of doing this more quickly by exporting the customer accounts as a comma separated file, opening the file in a spreadsheet program such as ‘Microsoft Excel’, changing the payment method IDs for the payment method you wish to use, and re-importing the file.
In the example shown below, we will be using Microsoft Excel and will be changing the ID for the payment method 'PayPal' with the payment method 'Sellerdeck Pay'.
NOTE: Prior to commencing this procedure you must ensure the following: -
- All of the address details and required fields for the customer accounts are complete.
- The payment method that you are intending that the default method be changed to, must already be enabled within the software.
If the replacement payment method is not enabled within 'Payment Methods' grid, then the old method will be removed, but not be replaced with anything causing problems when a customer tries to order.: -
Firstly, before doing anything else go to 'File | Snapshot | Export Site' and make a backup snapshot of your entire site, which will recover the site as it is now if anything goes wrong.
Once you have done this, in your Sellerdeck software you need to go to ‘File | Export’ then in the screen that opens click the ‘Next’ button.
On the second screen tick the box ‘Customer Accounts’ and remove the ticks from all other boxes so it looks like the image below: -
Click 'Next' and enter a name for the file into the 'File Name' field, leave all of the settings as they are and click 'Finish', then click 'OK' in the 'Export Complete' message box.
Open the file you have exported in your spreadsheet program (in this example Microsoft Excel is being used) and you will see at the top line a series of field titles. In the first column you will see 'Header:Customer', look along the line until you see 'Payment Method', see image below: -
Above the field 'Payment Method' you will see a letter in the column header that corresponds to the column, in the example shown here it is column F, click on the column header, and this will highlight the entire column. This means that we can search for a particular item and replace it with a new item using the program's 'Find and Replace' function.
On the 'Home' screen, click the 'Find & Select' button as shown in the image below: -
You will see a box similar to the one here: -
In the 'Find what' field enter the ID of the payment method you wish to change (in this example 'PayPal'), the ID for PayPal is 500, then in the 'Replace with' field we enter the ID of the payment method to replace it (in this example 'Sellerdeck Pay'), the ID for which is 200 and click the 'Replace All' button.
The search will then find every instance of '500' in that column and replace it with '200', a message will be displayed showing the number of substitutions made, click 'OK' to that and go to 'File | Save' to save the file.
Once this has been done, return to your Sellerdeck software and go to 'File | Import', in the screen that opens ensure that 'Hierarchical Import' is selected and click 'Next'.
In the second 'File to import' screen, make sure that 'Update'option is selected and click the 'Browse' button to wherever you have stored the file that you have edited in your spreadsheet program and select it.
Then click the 'Next' button until you reach the 'Error Reporting' screen and tick the box 'Make a List of Lines that Fail to Import?', enter a name in the 'Save List in File' field (e.g. 'ImportFail.txt' - this will enable you to trace errors once the procedure is complete) and click the button 'Finish', you will receive a message regarding currency format, click 'Yes' to this and the import will complete.
Look through your customer accounts to check the payment method field is correct, then upload the site for the changes to take place online.
NOTE: The spreadsheet program that you choose to edit the file exported from the software, must be capable of opening, editing and saving comma separated files (.csv).
The ID numbers for the currently supported payment methods are below: -
Amazon Pay: 800
Opayo (Sage Pay): 22
PayPal: 500
PayPal (Cards): 501
SellerdeckPay by ClearAccept: 200
SellerDeck Payments Ecommerce: 950
Sellerdeck Payments by Opayo: 400
You will find a full list of payment methods and their IDs under the heading '[OCC-ID]' in the file: -
In the following locations on your machine: -
Version 18
C:\Program Files (x86)\Sellerdeck\Sellerdeck v18\OCCUpgrade
Version 16
C:\Program Files (x86)\Sellerdeck\SellerDeck 2016\OCCUpgrade
SQL Method
There is another method available to users, which is to run the following SQL query directly on the software's database.
NOTE: This is an advanced procedure, do not attempt to do this unless you are familiar and confident with running SQL queries. Additionally before running this procedure it is essential that you have taken backups of the database and have a backup snapshot of the web site.
As in the example above, the following SQL changes provider 500 to 200, adjust these as required for your preferred provider.
This works for both Access and MS SQL, note however with the latter the appropriate database must be the current database, otherwise the full database id is required.
Close all Sellerdeck software and run the following SQL query on the database: -
UPDATE Customer SET Customer.nPaymentMethod = 200 WHERE (((Customer.nPaymentMethod)=500));