Digest-MD5 is a freely available module for ActivePerl that can improve the performance of SellerDeck stores online.
If you are using ActivePerl, then the simplest way to do this is use Activestate's PPM perl module installer.
On Windows servers, simply open a command line and type the following:
ppm install Digest-MD5
For Linux servers, the Digest::MD5 can be downloaded from http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/Digest/ among other places. The current version is Digest-MD5-2.36.tar.gz. Note that you will need a compiler to build and install the module. Solaris for one by default does not have a compiler installed. If your system does not have a compiler, check the Perl web sites and newsgroups listed below for a pre-compiled version for your system or install a compiler.
After downloading the file, decompress it and untar it.
> gzip –d Digest-MD5-2.36.tar.gz
> tar –xvf Digest-MD5-2.36.tar
Next cd into the new directory created by the tar command and install the module.
> cd Digest-MD5-2.12
> perl Makefile.PL
> make
> make test
> make install
You may need to be root to do the install. If you receive errors at any point in the installation, you will need to stop and resolve the errors before continuing. If you have trouble resolving the errors, there are a number of resources available to you including newsgroups and commercial businesses that offer support contracts for Perl. Go to http://www.perl.org, http://www.perl.com and http://www.activestate.com for more information.
Once the installation is successfully completed, you can remove the files you downloaded and the Digest-MD5-2.36 directory created by tar.