If you have SellerDeck hosting, and have received an email saying “SellerDeck: bandwidth limit exceeded”, this means one of your websites has used more than the amount of bandwidth you are entitled to as part of your hosting package.
To see how much bandwidth has been used by your site, and what it has been used for, please see below:
FTP: This is the bandwidth used by uploading and downloading your SellerDeck site.
HTTP: This is the bandwidth used by shoppers browsing around your website. This value is usually very high (80-99%). If the amount of HTTP usage is growing each month, this means either you are getting more visitors to your site, or shoppers are looking at more pages on your site.
POP3/IMAP: This is the bandwidth used by any emails accounts you have setup on SellerDeck hosting. If you send large files via email, or large numbers of emails, this value can increase.
SMTP: This is the bandwidth used by emails sent from your SellerDeck site, for example the order confirmation emails.
To see how much bandwidth has been used by your site, and what it has been used for, please see below:
- Login to your hosting control panel. The login details can be found in the document named “Welcome to SellerDeck hosting”, which you will have been emailed when you bought a SellerDeck hosting account.
- After logging in to your control panel, click “Home”
- Click “Traffic”.
- Select what month you want to check from the drop down list under “Traffic by domain”, and then click on the website URL (Domain name) you want to check the band width usage for.
- You will now see a table, displaying how your bandwidth usage is broken down.
FTP: This is the bandwidth used by uploading and downloading your SellerDeck site.
HTTP: This is the bandwidth used by shoppers browsing around your website. This value is usually very high (80-99%). If the amount of HTTP usage is growing each month, this means either you are getting more visitors to your site, or shoppers are looking at more pages on your site.
POP3/IMAP: This is the bandwidth used by any emails accounts you have setup on SellerDeck hosting. If you send large files via email, or large numbers of emails, this value can increase.
SMTP: This is the bandwidth used by emails sent from your SellerDeck site, for example the order confirmation emails.