SellerDeck Integrated Shipping (GFS)

SellerDeck Integrated Shipping (GFS) is available in SellerDeck 2014 onwards. Before following the instructions below, you need to have signed up for the GFS shipping service, if you have not done this already, please contact SellerDeck Sales on 0845 189 1859 or email

How to configure SellerDeck integrated Shipping (GFS) within SellerDeck:
  1. Open SellerDeck 2014 and go to Settings | Business settings | Shipping and handling | “Integrated Shipping (GFS)” tab.
  2. Tick the tick box “Enabled” in the top left corner.
  3. In the field “Location of GFS Selector” you need to enter the URL to your installation of GFS Selector.

    If GFS Selector is installed on the same PC as SellerDeck, the URL will be:


    If GFS Selector is installed on a different PC in your office, or if you want to be able to print labels in a multiuser environment, the URL will be:

    (Replace with the IP of the PC on which GFS Selector is installed)
  4. In the fields “GFS User ID:” and “GFS Password:” enter the details below:
    GFS Password: SELLERDECK**** (Contact SellerDeck support for the password)
  5. Leave the “Base URL of Merchant Tracking Website” and “Base URL of Customer Tracking Website” as the default settings.
  6. In the “Label Printer” drop down list, select your GFS Label printer, which is likely to be “ZDesigner GK410d”.
  7. Tick the tick box “Dedicated Thermal Label Printer".
  8. In the “Manifest Printer” drop down list, select and A4 printer which you would like to print manifests on.
  9. “Default manifest copies" is set to “4” by default, you can change this setting here if you do not require 4 copies, so “2” would be suggested.
  10. Click “Apply” to save your settings.
  11. Click “Test GFS Setup”. You should receive a message “GFS test call succeeded”.
    If you get an error message instead, you may need to correct the “Location of GFS Selector”, the IP address may be incorrect or your firewall needs to be configured to allow port 80 (Or the port GFS Selector is using).

GFS is now configured and you are ready to assign carriers to your shipping classes.

How to configure shipping classes to use SellerDeck integrated Shipping (GFS):

In order for a shipping class to use SellerDeck integrated Shipping (GFS), the shipping class must be using weight based shipping (Basis: Weight in kg).
  1. In SellerDeck, go to Settings | Business settings | Shipping and handling | “Zone/Class tables” tab.
  2. Right click on a shipping class, for example “Royal Mail First class” and select “Properties”.
  3. Click on the drop down list “Fulfilled by GFS” and select the carrier and service you would like this shipping class to use.

  4. Click “OK”, then repeat this for the rest of your shipping classes.


If the “Fulfilled by GFS” drop down list is not appearing, this is because the shipping class is not configured to use weight based shipping. You will need to change the basis or the shipping class to “Weight in kg”.

Attached Files