If Sellerdeck Link for Sage v2.13 is installed on the same device as the 'x86' version of Sage Accounts 50 v31.1, then the Sage accounts 50 installer will have installed the appropriate SDO Engine and no further action is required.
When using the 'x64' version of Sage Accounts 50 v31.1 or if running Sage Link on a different device to Sage Accounts 50, then the 'x86' version of the SDO Engine v31.1 needs to be installed on the same device as Sage Link v2.13.
If the SDO Engine v31.0 was installed with Sage Link 2.13 when the program was released, then the SDO Engine v31.0 will need to be uninstalled before installing the SDO Engine v31.1.
SDO Engine v31.1 x86 can be downloaded from https://gb-kb.sage.com/portal/app/po...mediatext=null making sure the v31.1 x86 version is selected.
When using the 'x64' version of Sage Accounts 50 v31.1 or if running Sage Link on a different device to Sage Accounts 50, then the 'x86' version of the SDO Engine v31.1 needs to be installed on the same device as Sage Link v2.13.
If the SDO Engine v31.0 was installed with Sage Link 2.13 when the program was released, then the SDO Engine v31.0 will need to be uninstalled before installing the SDO Engine v31.1.
SDO Engine v31.1 x86 can be downloaded from https://gb-kb.sage.com/portal/app/po...mediatext=null making sure the v31.1 x86 version is selected.