As you may or may not be aware hosting companies have different approaches to hosting websites and how to protect them from attacks.
If you are experiencing frequent time outs during uploads to your server (often having to click 'Retry' or the upload is not completing when 'Silent Running' is enabled), please try the following: -
Run the 'trace route' procedure (tracert) on your PC to determine if there is a poor connection with the server.
Please go to 'Start | Run' and enter: -
this will bring up the 'Command Prompt' window, then enter: -
C:\WINDOWS\system32\tracert -d MyServer
where 'MyServer' is the address of the server hosting the web site e.g. '' **
Tracert will monitor all connections to your server and will produce a report similar to...
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 30 ms 24 ms *
3 23 ms 24 ms 29 ms
4 22 ms 24 ms 24 ms
5 35 ms 34 ms 34 ms
6 34 ms 34 ms 34 ms
7 82 ms 84 ms 79 ms
8 85 ms 84 ms 84 ms
9 89 ms 84 ms 89 ms
10 82 ms 84 ms 89 ms
11 85 ms 84 ms 89 ms
Trace complete.
The report shows the time (in milliseconds) that it takes to perform each 'hop' between each server in the connection to the server. Three timings are shown for each hop. The first IP address in the list is your PC and the last is the targeted server.
Timings less than 100ms are good, up to 200ms are acceptable if only on a few hops or intermittent. Over 200ms shows a slow connection.
If you have slow connections at the start of the list then the problem is either your local network or the ISP that you use to connect to the internet. Examine the IP addresses to determine which. If it is the ISP then you should pass the report to the ISP for them to examine.
If you have slow connections at the end of the list then the problem is with the ISP that hosts your server and you should pass the report to the hosting ISP for them to examine.
In the case that the slow connection is with the hosting ISP you can ask if they filter IP addresses and if so can they 'White List' your local IP address range. This has been found to give significant performance improvements and eliminate the Time Outs encountered during uploads.
** Here is a tip - you can output the report to a file by adding '> MyTracert.log' e.g.:-
C:\WINDOWS\system32\tracert -d > MyTrace.log
obviously replacing '' with your web site, this will create a log called 'MyTrace.log'.
If you are experiencing frequent time outs during uploads to your server (often having to click 'Retry' or the upload is not completing when 'Silent Running' is enabled), please try the following: -
Run the 'trace route' procedure (tracert) on your PC to determine if there is a poor connection with the server.
Please go to 'Start | Run' and enter: -
this will bring up the 'Command Prompt' window, then enter: -
C:\WINDOWS\system32\tracert -d MyServer
where 'MyServer' is the address of the server hosting the web site e.g. '' **
Tracert will monitor all connections to your server and will produce a report similar to...
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 30 ms 24 ms *
3 23 ms 24 ms 29 ms
4 22 ms 24 ms 24 ms
5 35 ms 34 ms 34 ms
6 34 ms 34 ms 34 ms
7 82 ms 84 ms 79 ms
8 85 ms 84 ms 84 ms
9 89 ms 84 ms 89 ms
10 82 ms 84 ms 89 ms
11 85 ms 84 ms 89 ms
Trace complete.
The report shows the time (in milliseconds) that it takes to perform each 'hop' between each server in the connection to the server. Three timings are shown for each hop. The first IP address in the list is your PC and the last is the targeted server.
Timings less than 100ms are good, up to 200ms are acceptable if only on a few hops or intermittent. Over 200ms shows a slow connection.
If you have slow connections at the start of the list then the problem is either your local network or the ISP that you use to connect to the internet. Examine the IP addresses to determine which. If it is the ISP then you should pass the report to the ISP for them to examine.
If you have slow connections at the end of the list then the problem is with the ISP that hosts your server and you should pass the report to the hosting ISP for them to examine.
In the case that the slow connection is with the hosting ISP you can ask if they filter IP addresses and if so can they 'White List' your local IP address range. This has been found to give significant performance improvements and eliminate the Time Outs encountered during uploads.
** Here is a tip - you can output the report to a file by adding '> MyTracert.log' e.g.:-
C:\WINDOWS\system32\tracert -d > MyTrace.log
obviously replacing '' with your web site, this will create a log called 'MyTrace.log'.